Benjamin Fistein
Benjamin Fistein
@broudy3 Phalanger's development is mostly discontinued in favor of [PeachPie](, the more modern compiler and runtime that also targets .NET Core. Please feel free to give that a try.
@kissstudio Phalanger's development is mostly discontinued in favor of [PeachPie](, the more modern compiler and runtime that also targets .NET Core. Please feel free to give that a try. WordPress...
@kripper Phalanger's development is mostly discontinued in favor of [PeachPie](, the more modern compiler and runtime that also targets .NET Core. Please feel free to give that a try.
@mgduk Phalanger's development is mostly discontinued in favor of [PeachPie](, the more modern compiler and runtime that also targets .NET Core. Please feel free to give that a try.
Hi @filiptronicek, thanks for the heads-up. No worries, we can keep it here, we'll address it ASAP. Warm greetings from Prague as well :)
We try to implement stuff as needed by our clients or by the community. So far nobody requested this, so we are noting it ;)
We tried and it almost works, but there are a few issues in Rider that prevented us from fully using the IDE. E.g. [this one]( or [this one]( Maybe they...
Hi @anilkumarvs, Can you please provide more info on how your project is structured? How does your app configuration look like? Make sure you follow [this tutorial]( when setting things...
Hi Anil, Are you seeing PHP errors in the WP dashboard? You should not have to download any plugins through the dashboard though, have you followed the aforementioned tutorial and...
Referencing the [discussion]( on this topic. It's on the list @obujeiromhginsurance, but not a top priority at the moment to be entirely transparent.