ulogger-server copied to clipboard
[Script] A ready to use tracker script for apps that support HTTP GET requests.
A tracker receiver for other apps that support HTTP requests.
Place the files as track.php in the /client/ folder. Uses internal auth functions and DB connections.
I've used it for a few days as a test and all seems to work on my Samsung Galaxy A52 w/ Android 11. I then realized that I didn't want to track my phone constantly. So I'll post it here for others to use.
See PHP comments for usage:
/* μlogger - 3rd party tracker via $_GET
* Copyright(C) 2022 Arnan de Gans (www.arnan.me)
* Based on original code by Bartek Fabiszewski (www.fabiszewski.net)
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* user = uLogger username (Required, string[15], follows original auth routine)
* pass = uLogger password (Required, string[15], follows original auth routine)
* track = The track name you see and use in the uLogger web UI. (Required, string[255] (preferably alphanumeric and _-))
* lat = Latitude (Required, float)
* lon = Longtitude (Required, float)
* time = UNIX timestamp (Required, int)
* alt = Altitude (Optional, float)
* acc = GPS accuracy (Optional, int)
* spd = Speed of device (Optional, float)
* dir = Compass bearing (Optional, float)
* batt = Will be formatted to go into $comment and indicates the device battery level if supported/added (Optional, float)
* txt = Add a comment to each waypoint if desired (Optional, string[230] (Leave space for battery indicator))
* If the track name provided through 'track' does not exist it will be created on the first request/sync.
* Track names must be unique for the user. Different users can use the same track name.
* 'track' is required to populate $trackId.
* Essentials: https://domain.tld/client/track.php?user=[string]&pass=[string]&track=[string]&lat=[float]&lon=[float]&time=[integer]
* PhoneTrack for Android: https://domain.tld/client/track.php?user=demo&pass=demo&track=track-name&lat=%LAT&lon=%LON&time=%TIMESTAMP&alt=%ALT&acc=%ACC&spd=%SPD&dir=%DIR&batt=%BATT
* Exit with error status and message
* @param string $message Message
function exitWithError($message) {
$response = [];
$response['error'] = true;
$response['message'] = $message;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
* Exit with success status
* @param array $params Optional params
* @return void
function exitWithSuccess($params = []) {
$response = [];
$response['error'] = false;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array_merge($response, $params));
require_once(dirname(__DIR__) . "/helpers/auth.php");
// Set up login
$auth = new uAuth();
$login = uUtils::getString('user');
$pass = uUtils::getString('pass');
if ($auth->checkLogin($login, $pass)) {
$trackName = uUtils::getString('track');
if (empty($trackName)) {
exitWithError("Missing required parameter - track");
// Find tracks for user
require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/track.php");
if ($auth->hasReadAccess($auth->user->id)) {
$tracksArr = uTrack::getAll($auth->user->id);
if (count($tracksArr) > 0) {
$result = array();
foreach ($tracksArr as $track) {
$result[$track->id] = $track->name;
// Fetch track ID if it exists for the track name
$trackId = array_search($trackName, $result);
// No track ID found, create one
if ($trackId === false) {
$trackId = uTrack::add($auth->user->id, $trackName);
// Record new waypoint
$latitude = uUtils::getFloat('lat');
$longitude = uUtils::getFloat('lon');
$timestamp = uUtils::getInt('time');
// Optional
$altitude = uUtils::getFloat('alt');
$accuracy = uUtils::getInt('acc');
$speed = uUtils::getFloat('spd');
$bearing = uUtils::getFloat('dir');
$battery = uUtils::getFloat('batt');
$comment = uUtils::getString('txt');
if (!is_null($battery)) {
if (strlen($comment) > 0) {
$comment = $comment.' ';
$comment = $comment.'Battery: '.$battery.'%';
if (!is_float($latitude) || !is_float($longitude) || !is_int($timestamp)) {
exitWithError("Missing required parameter - lat lon time");
require_once(ROOT_DIR . "/helpers/position.php");
$positionId = uPosition::add($auth->user->id, $trackId, $timestamp, $latitude, $longitude, $altitude, $speed, $bearing, $accuracy, null, $comment);
if ($positionId === false) {
exitWithError("Server error");
} else {
// Fail if user is unknown