node-js-jwt-auth copied to clipboard
Node.js Demo for Token Based Authentication (JWT) with MySQL database
when i run node server.js of this following code here I get the following output (node:20977) [SEQUELIZE0004] DeprecationWarning: A boolean value was passed to options.operatorsAliases. This is a no-op...
I get this issue in postman: I set appropriate Header: Content-Type: application/json and looked at your code in github. I also set body from test to json in postman. Please...
Unhandled rejection Error: WHERE parameter "username" has invalid "undefined" value at MySQLQueryGenerator.whereItemQuery (/Users/zach/dev/js/node-js-jwt-auth/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js:2184:13) at /Users/zach/dev/js/node-js-jwt-auth/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js:2173:25 at Array.forEach () at MySQLQueryGenerator.whereItemsQuery (/Users/zach/dev/js/node-js-jwt-auth/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js:2171:35) at MySQLQueryGenerator.getWhereConditions (/Users/zach/dev/js/node-js-jwt-auth/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js:2583:19) at MySQLQueryGenerator.selectQuery (/Users/zach/dev/js/node-js-jwt-auth/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/query-generator.js:1315:28) at (/Users/zach/dev/js/node-js-jwt-auth/node_modules/sequelize/lib/query-interface.js:1122:27)...
Excellent tutorial but there is no check to see if the JWT token has expired. The user remains logged in but is not authorized to do anything after the JWT...
Unhandled rejection typeerror: user.setRoles is not a function in the controller/auth.controller.js file. The function setRoles in line 28 and getRoles in line 72 is not defined in the user model....
Hi friends, Kindly give the solution for "JsonWebTokenError: jwt malformed" in Middleware authJwt.js: 15:9
Configure MySQL database & Sequelize How to get rid of plain text passwords in db.config.js file. Thanks, Rahul C
I made this API acording to the tutorial, and after starting it up, I started getting this error: `Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails...
Hi, thanks for the code... it seems I am doing something wrong, but i have no idea what is happening: 1) I tried to run your code, but i got...