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Svelte Google Maps Components

Svelte Google Maps

js-standard-style publish svelte-v3

Maps and Places components in Vanilla JS (or Svelte)

Particular focus on efficient loading of Google components in an SPA.

SSR Ready


Documentation is a WIP. Be prepared to examine the source code to get any use out of this right now!

The GoogleMap and GooglePlacesAutocomplete components are a Google Map and Google Places Autocomplete component respectively.


To use within a Svelte application:

<GooglePlacesAutocomplete apiKey="your-maps-api-key"/>
<GoogleMap apiKey="your-maps-api-key"/>

  import { GoogleMap, GooglePlacesAutocomplete } from '@beyonk/svelte-googlemaps'



Attribute Purpose Allowed Default
ariaLabel Sets aria-label value on input string 'location'
on:placeChanged Place changed event (does not fire if user hit enter without selecting an address) any function -
placeholder placeholder text any string -
styleClass css styles for input any classes -