laravel-er-diagram-generator copied to clipboard
Support for OctoberCMS
Hey, its there a way to support OctoberCMS models?
+1 Would also love this. I tried to use it for some models and some (not all) work, showing only DB fields without relations. I believe the October Model is a wrapper for the Eloquent Model that defines the relations as properties and not as methods returning a relation. Which is IMO easier to read and follow.
Managed to get this working by replacing RelationFinder.php
with this code. Don't know if it's the best way to find the relations:
namespace BeyondCode\ErdGenerator;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOneOrMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionMethod;
use ReflectionProperty;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
class RelationFinder
* Return all relations from a fully qualified model class name.
* @param string $model
* @return Collection
* @throws \ReflectionException
public function getModelRelations(string $model)
$class = new ReflectionClass($model);
$traitMethods = Collection::make($class->getTraits())->map(function (ReflectionClass $trait) {
return Collection::make($trait->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC));
$methods = Collection::make($class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC))
->reject(function (ReflectionMethod $method) use ($model) {
return $method->class !== $model || $method->getNumberOfParameters() > 0;
$relations = Collection::make();
$methods->map(function (ReflectionMethod $method) use ($model, &$relations) {
$relations = $relations->merge($this->getRelationshipFromMethodAndModel($method, $model));
$properties = Collection::make($class->getProperties(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC))
->reject(function (ReflectionProperty $property) use ($model) {
return $property->class !== $model;
$properties->map(function (ReflectionProperty $property) use ($model, &$relations) {
try {
$instance = app($model);
$propertyValue = $instance->{$property->getName()};
if (is_array($propertyValue)) {
foreach (array_keys($propertyValue) as $relationName) {
$relations = $relations->merge($this->getRelationshipFromRelationNameAndModel($relationName, $model));
} catch (\Throwable $e) {}
$relations = $relations->filter();
if ($ignoreRelations = Arr::get(config('erd-generator.ignore', []),$model))
$relations = $relations->diffKeys(array_flip($ignoreRelations));
return $relations;
* @param string $qualifiedKeyName
* @return mixed
protected function getParentKey(string $qualifiedKeyName)
$segments = explode('.', $qualifiedKeyName);
return end($segments);
* @param ReflectionMethod $method
* @param string $model
* @return array|null
protected function getRelationshipFromMethodAndModel(ReflectionMethod $method, string $model)
try {
$return = $method->invoke(app($model));
if ($return instanceof Relation) {
$localKey = null;
$foreignKey = null;
if ($return instanceof HasOneOrMany) {
$localKey = $this->getParentKey($return->getQualifiedParentKeyName());
$foreignKey = $return->getForeignKeyName();
if ($return instanceof BelongsTo) {
$foreignKey = $this->getParentKey($return->getQualifiedOwnerKeyName());
$localKey = method_exists($return, 'getForeignKeyName') ? $return->getForeignKeyName() : $return->getForeignKey();
return [
$method->getName() => new ModelRelation(
(new ReflectionClass($return))->getShortName(),
(new ReflectionClass($return->getRelated()))->getName(),
} catch (\Throwable $e) {}
return null;
* @param String $relationName
* @param string $model
* @return array|null
protected function getRelationshipFromRelationNameAndModel($relationName, string $model)
try {
$instance = app($model);
$relation = $instance->{$relationName}();
if ($relation instanceof Relation) {
$localKey = null;
$foreignKey = null;
if ($relation instanceof HasOneOrMany) {
$localKey = $this->getParentKey($return->getQualifiedParentKeyName());
$foreignKey = $return->getForeignKeyName();
if ($relation instanceof BelongsTo) {
$foreignKey = $this->getParentKey($relation->getQualifiedOwnerKeyName());
$localKey = method_exists($relation, 'getForeignKeyName') ? $relation->getForeignKeyName() : $relation->getForeignKey();
return [
$relationName => new ModelRelation(
(new ReflectionClass($relation))->getShortName(),
(new ReflectionClass($relation->getRelated()))->getName(),
} catch (\Throwable $e) {}
return null;