shellcheck-action icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
shellcheck-action copied to clipboard

A GitHub Action to run the shell linter ShellCheck

Results 7 shellcheck-action issues
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Add action parameters that allow to include and exclude specific files to be checked/ignored.


Could this include the `--external-sources` argument? It would be great to have a [`with` property]( in which all possible arguments supported by `shellcheck` could be configured: ```yaml - name: Shellcheck...


Currently, this defaults to v0.8.0 of ShellCheck. This should be more flexible, and users should be able to select a version, or just use `latest` (which should be the default)....


With `shellcheck --format=json1`, output looking something like ```json { comments: [ { "file": "filename", "line": lineNumber, "column": columnNumber, "level": "severitylevel", "code": errorCode, "message": "warning message" }, ... ] } ```...


Before curling ShellCheck from GitHub, we can check to see if it's in the cache.
