kwt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
kwt copied to clipboard

Run commands easily.


Release Software License CircleCI

Run commands easily.

  • What is it
  • Installation
  • Quick start
  • Web interface
  • Develop
  • Further info

What is it

Kwt reads from a repository of YAMLs of templated commands, and enables the user to render and execute the commands with arguments provided at run-time. It can help to

  • Avoid re-typing long commands over and over for routine tasks.
  • Version control and share commands.


Linux & Mac through Homebrew.

brew install bettercallshao/tap/kwt

Windows through Scoop.

scoop bucket add bettercallshao
scoop install bettercallshao/kwt

Or download latest zip from releases, extract, and put the binary files on your system path.

Quick start

Kick start by ingesting the demo menus.

kwt i -s
kwt i -s

See a list of commands by running kwt h.

   kwt - Run commands easily.

   kwt [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   start, s           Starts executor for a menu
   ingest, i          Ingests menu locally from a source
   developer-demo, d  Developer commands for demo
   python-demo, p     Python commands for demo
   help, h            Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)
  • start, ingest, help, --help, --version are global arguments.
  • python-demo and developer-demo are command definitions.

Check what is in python-demo by kwt p -h.

   kwt python-demo - Python commands for demo

   kwt python-demo command [command options] [arguments...]

   uuid, u                 Generate a UUID
   forex-rate, f           Print forex rates
   mortgage-calculator, m  Calculate mortgage payment
   bit-expander, b         Convert between decimal, hex, and bit representations
   csv-to-markdown, c      Convert a CSV to markdown table
   help, h                 Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)

Check what forex-rate does with kwt p f -h.

   kwt python-demo forex-rate - Print forex rates

   kwt python-demo forex-rate [command options] [arguments...]

   --base value, -b value     Base currency (default: "USD")
   --symbols value, -s value  Comma separated currency symbol list (default: "CAD,GBP")
   --dry, -d                  render command but don't run (default: false)
   --help, -h                 show help (default: false)
  • --dry, --help are flags defined by kwt.
  • --base, --symbols are input arguments, with default values.

Lets try EUR to JPY and AUD.

$ kwt p f -b EUR -s JPY,AUD
On 2020-11-13
1 EUR can buy 123.88 JPY
1 EUR can buy 1.63 AUD

Use the --dry flag to see what actually ran.

$ kwt p f -b EUR -s AUD -d
template: python3 -u -c "
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import json

url = '{{.base}}&symbols={{.symbols}}'
r = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

date = r['date']
rates = r['rates']

print(f'On {date}')
  f'1 {{.base}} can buy {rates[symbol]:.2f} {symbol}'
  for symbol in rates

rendered: python3 -u -c "
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import json

url = ''
r = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

date = r['date']
rates = r['rates']

print(f'On {date}')
  f'1 EUR can buy {rates[symbol]:.2f} {symbol}'
  for symbol in rates

First the command template was printed, then the command rendered with input arguments. The command is defined in $HOME/.kwt/python-demo.yaml.

name: python-demo
version: v0.1.0
help: Python commands for demo
- name: forex-rate
  help: Print forex rates
  template: |
    python3 -u -c "
    import urllib.request
    import urllib.parse
    import json

    url = '{{.base}}&symbols={{.symbols}}'
    r = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

    date = r['date']
    rates = r['rates']

    print(f'On {date}')
      f'1 {{.base}} can buy {rates[symbol]:.2f} {symbol}'
      for symbol in rates
  - name: base
    help: Base currency
    value: USD
  - name: symbols
    help: Comma separated currency symbol list
    value: CAD,GBP

Add to this file or create more YAMLs in $HOME/.kwt/ to add more commands. If some commands should only be available locally in a specific cwd, add the YAML in $CWD/.kwt/.

Web interface

Kwt can also be run in conjunction with kwtd to give a web based user interface to the menus. Kwtd is installed as part of the kwt package and runs without arguments.

[kwtd] 2020/11/24 01:42:01 version: v0.5.2-20201123005537
[kwtd] 2020/11/24 01:42:01 starting kwtd ...
[kwtd] 2020/11/24 01:42:01 listening on

It is recommended to install kwtd as a start up service for convenience with the official helper menus.

For Windows (see help for more commands).

kwt i -s
kwt windows-kwtd startup-add

For Mac (see help for more commands).

kwt i -s
kwt mac-kwtd startup-add

Once kwtd is running, visit in browser to find three sections.

  • Channels - each channel is a placeholder for a kwt executor to connect to. If visited without active connection, it shows a blank message.
  • Menus - each available menu can be viewed as a JSON.
  • Ingestion - ingesting menus same as kwt.

As an example, we will run the csv-to-markdown command in the web interface. First open a terminal (with python3 available) and connect a kwt executor to kwtd (on channel 0 by default) declaring the python-demo menu.

kwt s -m python-demo

Logs are printed and the command should block and occupy the terminal. Now visit channel 0 on the page, click on csv-to-markdown, copy the following into the data param, press execute, then toggle markdown to render it.


Drag Racing


To build, install golang and run make. The CI is powered by GoReleaser and CircleCI.

Further info

I wrote a blog series on kwt