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Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees
"surrogate" is used in prediction,but what about missing values when building the tree? Please explain by example
With R-devel, as of r85619 (https://github.com/r-devel/r-svn/commit/f374bbf0), on my build machines I started getting failures when building rpart, because that commit added some string safety checks. ``` rpart.c: In function 'rpart':...
I'm attempting to use rpart to build a classification tree. My response variable is a vector of zeroes and ones, representing my two classes. My predictor variables are all continuous...
Hi there! I am trying to use the xpred.rpart function to generate an R2/AUC value for cross validation in order to stablish the best cp value but I have had...
Is there any way to call `rpart` through `python` (without using `rpy2` or `R` altogether)? If not, would anyone be interested in investing some time to create an `rpart-python` package...
Is there any way to use `rpart` to grow and/or prune trees up to a certain number of splits? Illustrated in the example below, the `cptable` skips certain number of...
I want to create a feature/column in a dataset that indicates which leaf node a record belongs to, based on the leaf node prediction. Examining the feature values and conducting...
On one hand, in the section 4.1, page 13 of the pedf, it is said: > Using the first result, we can uniquely define $T_\alpha$ as the smallest tree $T$...