Eduardo Betanzos
Eduardo Betanzos
Ok, I will take a look
> Ideally, the plugin could have an option to allow automatic compilation, and when enabled it will call compile only when required. Actually before `mvn javafx:run` the project is compiled...
Before all try with the last version of the plugin: 0.0.8
> @daniel-shuy isn't Maven using the JDK pointed to by ?`JAVA_HOME` Is not always that way. If, for example, the project is running from an IDE (in my case IntelliJ)...
In any case it would be interesting to be able to determine the cause of the problem to fix it if it were necessary.
> If no explicit override is defined, it uses `JAVA_HOME`, which you yourself said doesn't need to refer to the JDK that Maven is running with if it's started via...
The `maven-jlink-plugin` works in a very different way than this plugin does. The main problem I have found is the way it discover the modules that will be (by default)...
> **If we let go of how JavaFX Maven artifacts are released, don't you think this is the right approach?** Maybe yes but, strangely, the image that `maven-jlink-plugin` generates includes...
> > the image that maven-jlink-plugin generates includes more modules than if it is generated with javafx-maven-plugin, including dependencies with runtime scope (see images below) > > `maven-jlink-plugin` seems to...
> > And all this because an external plugin since with the official JavaFX Maven plugin it work fine. > > I would agree that the change wasn't important but...