hassio-addons copied to clipboard
Certbot 13 Segmentation fault
After updating certbot from 0.18 to .19 i get this error in the log:
/run.sh: line 28: 13 Segmentation fault (core dumped) certbot certonly $PLUGIN --non-interactive --email "$EMAIL" --agree-tos --config-dir "$CERT_DIR" --work-dir "$WORK_DIR" --cert-name $name -d ${domains}
Can you give me your arch?
not sure. how can i find that? Raspberry Pi 3B+, ARM i guess...
What is your device? And I think you can find some info on the hassio system tab.
Same thing goes for the NGINX addon, updating it result with:
/run.sh: line 16: 11 Segmentation fault (core dumped) python3 /mustache.py /templates/vhost.mustache /data/options.json > /etc/nginx/conf.d/vhosts.conf
I will try to have a look at this problem ASAP. Probably not before Monday.
oke no probs. reverted back by a snapshot, so everything is fine again here
Additional info: Arch: aarch64
Tried the Caddy addon, getting errors there too...
Can you try with the last version ?
Still errors... i get segmentation errors with nginx, caddy and this (certbot) addons.
aarch64 Hassio
certbot log: /run.sh: line 28: 14 Segmentation fault (core dumped) certbot certonly $PLUGIN --non-interactive --email "$EMAIL" --agree-tos --config-dir "$CERT_DIR" --work-dir "$WORK_DIR" --cert-name $name -d ${domains}
I tried Caddy once again. This time i get the .5-1 version and it works! I will try the nginx and certbot addon later when i get back from work
Still the same error on certbot.
And in nginx (0.1.13)i get these:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mustache.py", line 31, in
I'm seeing the same with certbot (no issues with nginx) on an aarch64 device.
This was resolved for me once I cleaned up some disk full issues.