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This repository is a collection of projects written in the C programming language.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this repository is a valuable resource for honing your C progr...

ALX Low Level Programming

  • This repository is a collection of projects written in the C programming language. C is a versatile and widely used programming language that is popular for system-level programming, operating systems, embedded systems, and game development, among other things.
  • The projects in this repository cover a variety of topics, ranging from simple programs that demonstrate basic concepts such as input/output and control flow to more complex projects that involve data structures, algorithms, and advanced concepts such as pointers and memory management.
  • By exploring these projects, you can learn C programming, improve your coding skills, and gain experience working on real-world problems.
  • Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this repository is a valuable resource for honing your C programming skills.

Introduction to C programming


Data types

Applications of C programming language