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User Authentication System Based MVC, BootStrap3, WebAPI 开源权限管理系统
SlickSafe is a web based user authentication system. There are some new features have been implemenmted in the solution.
- user and role management module.
- role and user permisison assignment feature
- user login management and ticket initialized feature.
- left side menu and button authorization management.
- webapi user ticket authentication feature.
The system is designed for 3-tier distributed system, SOA based system, Repository pattern, POCO entity pattern, mvc/web api architecture. Some details can be described here:
- The 3-tier distributed layer include: data access layer, buisiness logic layer and web presentation layer.
- Using micro-ORMapping framework Dapper/DapperExtension for database operation.
- Using Generic repository pattern to implement data access feature.
- Using MVC WebAPI to implement service layer, webapi is a restful style service, we make it to match different client include winform, web and mobile.
- The IRepository class can be used to implement EF, NHerbinate framework which the user prefered to them.
- MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle and other database supported by Dapper.
The SlickSafe.Web project would give you a full tutorial how to use the SlickSafe library and webapi to create a rich mvc web application. Similarily, there are serveral key features to describe here:
- Bootstrap3/Mvc(WebApi)/Dapper.
- AG-Grid/zTree/Bootstrap-Dialog.
- NavBar in top and left side.
- Rich page demos in solution.
SlickSafe Online DEMO:
User/Pwd:admin/123456, jack/123456
SlickSafe 企业级权限快速开发框架,技术体系描述如下:Bootstrap3/Mvc(WebApi)Dapper,AG-Grid/zTree优秀开源组件,Dapper针对MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle等多数据库的实现,丰富代码示例。
SlickSafe V1.2.0 版本说明
- 角色用户基本数据维护;
- 角色授权/用户授权同时支持;
- 用户登录身份信息,权限授权验证;
- 用户菜单,页面权限信息检验和受控实现;
- WebApi Ticket(票据)信息验证;
基于MVC, BootStrap3, WebApi, Dapper的3层分布式架构开发框架,其技术特点是:
- 采用Dapper微ORMapping框架,性能接近原生SQL;
- 采用Repository模式;
- 采用面向Interface接口编程规范;
- 采用WebApi实现服务总线;
- 前端Bootstrap3框架布局在线演示Demo实现;
- 多数据库的支持,默认SQLSERVER,支持Oracle, MySQL, KingBase(人大金仓) 等数据库;
添加多数据库支持特性,默认支持SQLSERVER,也可以通过Dapper实现对ORACLE, MYSQL, KINGBASE等数据库的标准SQL支持,程序代码修改及配置请参阅文件: SessionFactory.cs
权限系统支持Console, Winform 和 Web 各种类型的项目引用,数据库连接设置方法说明如下:
- 在config 文件的appSettings中,添加如下设置:
<add key="WebAppDBConnectionString" value="SlickSafeDBConnectionString"/>
其中WebAppDBConnectionString 是用于SlickOne.Data的数据访问组件的属性读取,对应的value数值是实际的数据库连接串.
- 在config文件的connectionStrings 节中,添加数据库连接串属性.
<add name="SlickSafeDBConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=SODB;Integrated Security=False;User ID=sa;Password=1234;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False" />
# ORACLE 数据库:
<add name="SlickSafeDBConnectionString"
connectionString="user id=dbadminOracle;password=1234;data source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST="/>
支持LGPL开源协议(Open Source License)和商业授权许可协议(Commercial License)。
SlickSafe 快速入门指南:
Contact: [email protected]
QQ: 47743901(过河卒子)