gauge.js copied to clipboard
Added text labels instead of just numeric labels
I dont have time to fork this so I will just post the fixed code here and a link to a working jsfiddle. UPDATE. I added the ability to put "bold" in the font string.
Working JS Fiddle: New version with bold font support
Sorry guys I am in a hurry so I just plunked the compiled javascript into the jsfiddle. But I would rather share than not.
Update this function as below in the coffee script:
renderStaticLabels: (staticLabels, w, h, radius) ->
@ctx.translate(w, h)
# Scale font size the hard way - assuming size comes first.
setFont = (font) =>
isBold = /bold/i.test(font)
re = /\d+\.?\d?/
match = font.match(re)[0]
rest = font.slice(match.length).replace(/bold/i, '').trim() # Remove 'bold' from the rest
fontsize = parseFloat(match) * @displayScale
if isBold
@ctx.font = "bold " + fontsize + rest
@ctx.font = fontsize + rest
font = staticLabels.font or "10px Times"
@ctx.fillStyle = staticLabels.color || "#000000"
@ctx.textBaseline = "bottom"
@ctx.textAlign = "center"
for value in staticLabels.labels
# Determine if the label is an object with 'label' and 'text' properties or a direct numerical value
if (value.label == undefined)
# Draw labels depending on limitMin/Max
if (not @options.limitMin or value >= @minValue) and (not @options.limitMax or value <= @maxValue)
rotationAngle = @getAngle(value) - 3 * Math.PI / 2
@ctx.fillText(formatNumber(value, staticLabels.fractionDigits), 0, -radius - @lineWidth / 2)
if typeof value == 'object'
displayValue = value.label
displayText = value.text || value.label.toString()
font = value.font || staticLabels.font
displayValue = value
displayText = value.toString()
font = staticLabels.font
# Set font with potential bold option
# Draw labels depending on limitMin/Max
if (not @options.limitMin or displayValue >= @minValue) and (not @options.limitMax or displayValue <= @maxValue)
rotationAngle = @getAngle(displayValue) - 3 * Math.PI / 2
@ctx.fillText(formatNumber(displayText, staticLabels.fractionDigits), 0, -radius - @lineWidth / 2)