Our users experience the same `auth/network-request-failed` firebase auth issues since some time now. It mainly happens to Android Chrome users and the issue start immediately after/during using `firebase.auth().signInAnonymously`. (Note: I'm...
Similar problem. I have a page with let‘s say 10 grid items. Each item has an image slider with on average 7 slides. But currently this causes noticeable performance issues...
EDIT: I solved my performance issue with having multiple slider instances on one page. It was caused by having the css property `filter: drop-shadow(...)` on those prev/next controls (to make...
I would also be in favor of including ttypescript so that I can use to rename TS properties.
I'm also struggling with svelte-image and SSR. I have following webpack config, client and server the same: ``` const svelteImageOptions = { placeholder: 'blur', }; ... { test: /\.(svelte|html)$/, use:...
For me it's also not working. My guess is that it's because of the overwritten sending method. Any ideas?