best_in_place copied to clipboard
Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to set the 'innerHTML' property on 'Element': The node to be removed is no longer a child of this node. Perhaps it was moved in a 'blur' event handler?
here is my code view file <%= best_in_place kpi[i][2], :cumulative_actual ,:as => :input, path: kpi_tracking_path(kpi[i][2].id, fiscal_start_date: @date_from, fiscal_end_date: @date_to ), :classes => 'cumilative', :activator => "#best_in_place_kpi_tracking_#{kpi[i][2].id}_cumulative_actual", :data => {:fiscal_date => "#{@financial_start_date_jquery}"}, :display_with => lambda {|v| number_with_precision(v, precision: 2, :delimiter => ',')} if kpi[i][2] %>
controller format.json {render :json => {test: kpi_tracking, variance_bandwidth: kpi_tracking.kpi.try(:variance_bandwidth).abs, previous_month: previous_month, previous_year: previous_year, better: kpi_tracking.kpi.try(:better_value), kpi_ytd: kpi_ytd }}
$('.cumilative').bind "ajax:success", (event, data)-> result = $.parseJSON(data) document.getElementById("best_in_place_kpi_tracking_""_cumulative_actual").innerHTML = commaseperator(actual)
got an error while editing symoltaniously "Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to set the 'innerHTML' property on 'Element': The node to be removed is no longer a child of this node. Perhaps it was moved in a 'blur' event handler?"
and cant edit after this error..
You can find the solution here: