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The small & modular microframework for server-side Swift 3
Titan is an extensible, powerful & easy-to-use microframework for server-side Swift.
Write and run production web apps & services under Linux or Docker in a convenient way.
Language Support
Swift 3 is no longer supported, but exists under the 0.7.x tags.
- very modular with a light-weight core for routing & JSON
- add features with plug & play middleware packages
- functional design which makes it easy to write own middleware
- use different webservers like Kitura or Swift-Server/HTTP
- incredibly fast due to its light-weight design
- built for latest Swift 4, Docker & Linux
- conceptually similar to the powerful & modular frameworks Express.js or Flask
The following example has the following features:
- some routes to demo parameters, different request methods & wildcard routes
- demo of how simply it is to have a middleware manipulate the response
- uses Kitura as high-performance webserver
// swift-tools-version:4.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "mywebapp",
products: [
.executable(name: "mywebapp", targets: ["mywebapp"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/bermudadigitalstudio/TitanKituraAdapter.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.9.0")),
.package(url: "https://github.com/bermudadigitalstudio/Titan", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.9.0"))
targets: [
name: "mywebapp",
dependencies: [
import Titan
import TitanKituraAdapter
let app = Titan()
/// The Response is set to 404 by default.
/// if no subsequent routing function is called, a 404 will be returned
/// Hello World, req is sent to next matching route
app.get("/") { req, _ in
return (req, Response(200, "Hello World")) // here we "overwrite" the 404 that was returned in the previous func.
/// 2 parameters in URL
app.delete("/item/{item_id}/subitem/{sub_item_id}") { req, res, paramaters in
let itemId = params["item_id"] ?? ""
let subId = params["sub_item_id"] ?? ""
let text = "I will delete \(subId) in \(itemId)"
return(req, Response(200, text))
/// parse JSON sent via POST, return 400 on parsing error
app.post("/data") { req, _ in
guard let json = req.json as? [String: Any] else {
return (req, Response(400))
return(req, Response(200, "I received \(json)"))
/// let’s manipulate the response of all GET routes
/// and yes, that is already a simple example for a middleware!
app.get("*") { req, res in
var newRes = res.copy() // res is a constant, so we need to copy
newRes.body += " and hello from the middleware!"
return (req, newRes) // will return "Hello World and hello from the middleware!"
// start the Kitura webserver on port 8000
TitanKituraAdapter.serve(app.app, on: 8000)
You can now run the webserver and open http://localhost:8000 or http://localhost:8000/item/foo/subitem/bar or send JSON via POST to http://localhost:8000/data
- A Titan app is very simple: it is an array of functions that each get called. The output of one function is the input to the next.
- The first function receives the HTTP request and a dummy response.
- The last returned response is sent to the client.
- How you use Titan is up to you: you can modify the request before you pass it on further. You can compress or rewrite responses before they are sent to the client.
- Titan allows you to easily write integration tests without needing a full HTTP client.
- Titan allows you to write unit tests by decomposing your request handling code into
s and testing that directly. - Titan is not suitable for large or monolithic applications. Ideally, your entire Titan app should be readable in one page.
Execute Scripts/test.sh
to run all unit-tests inside a Docker container.
Titan is maintained by Thomas Catterall (@swizzlr), Johannes Erhardt (@johanneserhardt), Sebastian Kreutzberger (@skreutzberger), Laurent Gaches (@lgaches), and Ryan Collins (@rymcol).
Contributions are more than welcomed. You can either work on existing Github issues or discuss with us your ideas in a new Github issue. Thanks 🙌
Background and License
Titan was initially developed in a project run with Bermuda Digital Studio (BDS) Germany. BDS is a team devoted to enable digital product management, design and development for the retail business of the renewable energies corp innogy SE. The goal is to digitize and disrupt energy.
Titan Framework is released under the Apache 2.0 License.