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Convenient, easy-to-use PostgreSQL for server-side Swift 3
Rope provides a convenient, easy-to-use, type-safe access to PostgreSQL
for server-side Swift 3.
It uses the thread-safe, highly performant libpq
How to Use
Rope is so simple, you just need to learn 3 methods:
to create a connection -
to run a query -
to turn a query result into a two-dimensional array
// credential struct as helper
let creds = RopeCredentials(host: "localhost", port: 5432, dbName: "mydb",
user: "foo", password: "bar")
// establish connection using the struct, returns nil on error
guard let db = try? Rope.connect(credentials: creds) else {
print("Could not connect to Postgres")
// run INSERT query, it returns nil on a syntax or connection error
// the insert is SQL-injection safe due to the use of dollar params!
let text = "Hello World"
guard let _ = try? db.query("INSERT INTO my_table (my_text) VALUES($1)')", params: [text]) else {
print("Could not insert \(text) into database");
// run SELECT query, it returns nil on a syntax or connection error
guard let res = try? db.query("SELECT id, my_text FROM my_table") else {
print("Could not fetch id & my_text from database")
// execute statements with params (SQL-injection safe)
guard let res = try? db.query("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_text=$1", params: ["Hello World"]) else {
print("Could not fetch id & my_text from database")
// handle errors with a do/catch
do {
let res = try db.query("SELECT id, my_text FROM my_table")
} catch {
// Error handling
// turn result into 2-dimensional array
if let rows = res?.rows() {
for row in rows {
let id = row["id"] as? Int
let myText = row["my_text"] as? String
Postgres Types to Swift Conversion
, andbigint
are returned asInt
precision are returned asFloat
, andtext
are returned asString
is converted to aDictionary
of[String: Any?]
- the
type is returned asBool
are returned asDate
Running Unit Tests
Rope’s unit tests require a running Postgres 9.x database and you can either provide the database credentials via environment variables, or via CLI arguments or use the built-in default values.
Using Defaults
All tests run without any additional configuration if your database has the following setup:
host: "localhost"
port: 5432
database name: "rope"
user: "postgres"
password: ""
Using Environment Variables
You can easily provide the database credentials via environment variables.
Please see the RopeTestCredentials.swift
file. Please also see the unit tests about how to use RopeCredentials to establish a connection.
For environment variables in Xcode, please enter the following info via Edit Scheme
> Arguements
using Environment Variables
or Arguments Passend On Launch
Using CLI Arguments
swift build DATABASE_HOST=mydatabase_host DATABASE_PORT=mydatabase_port DATABASE_NAME=mydatabase_dbname DATABASE_USER=mydatabase_user DATABASE_PASSWORD=mydatabase_very_secure_password
To run tests simple type swift test
in your CLI.
Source Code Linting
The source code is formatted using SwiftLint and all commits & PRs need to be without any SwiftLint warnings or errors.
Rope is maintained by Thomas Catterall (@swizzlr), Johannes Erhardt (@johanneserhardt), Sebastian Kreutzberger (@skreutzberger).
Contributions are more than welcomed. You can either work on existing Github issues or discuss with us your ideas in a new Github issue. Thanks 🙌
Rope is released under the Apache 2.0 License.