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Customize Toolbar
I would like to know how can I customize the Toolbar in order to change the icons or at least the HTML structure.
toolbars of hallo use jquery-ui buttons with a font that provides the icons.
i am not sure how to change the button-type to use icons correctly, but my approach was to patch 'src/button.coffee' see: https://github.com/git-j/hallo/commit/4a1b237a2f165b64c638873f0441af5ffd9ffcd3 https://github.com/git-j/hallo/commit/0210f70085127a693fec9472dd197fc72aaddc3b
for future updates configuration would be more convenient than patching the source
@git-j Why not make a pull-request with these patches?
This is something that I'd like to have as well :)
having trouble keeping up with the hallo-development speed, merging with the current HEAD in early 2013 caused too much problems with the plugins (jquery 1.6->jquery 1.9), so for now i'll keep the fork as reference for my application. copy-fork mine, update to HEAD and pull-request to master. no reputation required. you may also be interested in the image/link plugins as they handle the user-input differently from the original proposals.