TrainCarts copied to clipboard
Train_Carts: v1.18.1-v1 (build: 995) BKCommonLib: v1.18.1-v1 (build: 1172) Server: 3171-Spigot-610a8c0-fb556bf (MC: 1.17.1)
When I do /tcc give everything is fine, but when I create a trail I get an error in my logs:
Update BKCommonLib, v2 has been out for a while now.
Ok its function I had forgotten to update it 😅, but I have this when I create the plot :
Any idea?
Known issue. Copy-paste from discord:
Leash bug
- vote for this bug:
- resourcepack fix:
Super thank you for your help and your responsiveness 😄
I have a new error after a server restart:
Did you use /reload at any time? Because it seems the server glitched out and didn't load certain jar files fully.
Make sure to update any other plugins like TC-Coasters as well.
I just restarted my server and deactivate then reactivate another plugin, it is MotionCaptureRewritten
TC-Coasters is well up to date
Its probably related to probably doesnt have this issue anymore
I no longer have the BKCommonLib error but a TCCoasters error :
It's worth a try. This closing of class loaders is a huge pain with bukkit.
I still have the error, but it spams in the logs when I hold the track editior :/
But he gives it to me while before he didn't give it to me
Frustrating. Im trying to understand why you have this issue. Are there any plugins that show up red in /plugins? What if you remove these plugins that fail to enable?
All my plugins are in green
Well, just to rule out some bugs caused on spigots end. Unlucky build /etc. Try paper 1.17.1 to see if the same happens or not.
My server is running on Bungeecord, can it be from there?
I will change it to PaperSpigot
I really dont know as youre the first to report this specific error. If its not the server having a bug, it must be some other plugin youre using thats closing its own class loader causing this.
In that case youll have to do a binary search (disable all and enable half of half until the error occurs and you find the plugin that causes it)
I found the plugin that makes tcc bellow I contact the creator of the plugin in question ?
Can you tell me which plugin? If its open source I can have a look, Ill contact them myself if I find out what causes it. If its closed-source/paid premium, you can contact the dev yourself and maybe link this issue ticket.
A summary for the author: Jar file classloader is being closed. My guess: plugin is a jar-in-jar solution, and something is going wrong.
Closing issue, assuming resolved