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How to substitute for fields in an endpoint path?
Sometimes API endpoints are defined such that they have fields contained in the path that need to be substituted for prior to issuing the request.
For example:
fs_api <- get_api("https://docs.figshare.com/swagger.json")
header <- c(Authorization = sprintf("token %s", Sys.getenv("RFIGSHARE_PAT")))
client <- list(operations = get_operations(fs_api, header),
schemas = get_schemas(fs_api))
attr(client$operations$private_article_upload_initiate, "definition")$path
#> [1] "/account/articles/{article_id}/files"
Created on 2021-06-11 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)
Does rapiclient
work with API endpoints specified like that? If so, how does one substitute for {article_id}
prior to issuing the request?
I'm late to the party but I had the same situation and question. Passing a string of what I wanted to become the url parameter worked for me. I tried a second string and it also worked, passing an integer made the api mad (it didn't return results)
With verbose on I noticed the user agent was libcurl. I set it to this repo so the people on the receiving end will know how the request was generated. I think this awesome package should do that automatically!
pview_api <- get_api("https://search.patentsview.org/static/openapi_v2.yml")
pview_ops <- get_operations(pview_api, handle_response = content_or_stop,
.headers = c("X-Api-Key" = Sys.getenv("PATENTSVIEW_API_KEY"),
"User-Agent" = "https://github.com/bergant/rapiclient"))
client <- list(operations = pview_ops, schemas = get_schemas(pview_api))
attr(client$operations$retrievePatentDetail, "definition")$path
#> [1] "/api/v1/patent/{patent_number}/"
result <- pview_ops$retrievePatentDetail("10000000")
-> GET /api/v1/patent/10000000/ HTTP/1.1
-> Host: search.patentsview.org
-> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
-> Content-Type: application/json
-> Accept: application/json
-> X-Api-Key: my_api_key_was_here
-> User-Agent: https://github.com/bergant/rapiclient
<- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[1] "10000000"
[1] "Coherent LADAR using intra-pixel quadrature detection"