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Reverse proxy handling HA for prometheus server groups remote_write feature
highlander proxy
Highly available reverse proxy handling HA for prometheus server groups remote_write
"There Can Be Only One".
Prometheus does not handle HA per se. It uses configurable alerts deduplication in alertmanager. So if you run n
intances of prometheus to avoid Single Point of Failure (SPOF) on the collection/metrics/alerts side you get alerted only once.
Which is, for the generic usecase, absolutely fine. see https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/1500
When you want to store metrics for a longer time, rapidly you'll want to use the remote_write
directive to push prometheus
data chunks to a Long Term Storage (LTS) tsdb. Moreover using a LTS allows users to use the LTS to display metrics, thus lower unavailability risk for alert manager And regroups over a long time all the metrics you have.
If you were to push data chunks to a single LTS you would have to avoid dataseries naming collision by adding a unique identification label to all metrics.
When you already have high cardinality and a finite budget allocated to observability this could prove difficult :
- you multiply dataseries cardinality by
(also costs) - you would have to handle the prometheis instances labels in every single query that you have (aggregations usually don't do well with double data) in grafana/alerts
What Highlander proxy is
- Highlander is a highly available L4 reverse proxy accepting
connections - Highlander uses hashicorp
golang library for clustering/leader election - Highlander picks the first available connection and stores its uint64
url parameter - Highlander prefers any new connection with a bigger uint64 value in the
url parameter - Highlander outputs to one
compatible external endpoint
What Highlander proxy will be
- Highlander will be a L7 reverse proxy accepting
prometheus remote write protocol connections - Highlander will buffers data
- Highlander will outputs one or many
compatible external endpoint
Architecture schema (standalone)
[prometheus A]---|-------------|
[prometheus B]---| highlander |--(remote_write A)--> [prometheus compatible LTS]
[prometheus C]---| proxy |
[prometheus D]---|-------------|
if prometheus A fails to push then highlander would pick another source
[prometheus A]-x |-------------|
[prometheus B]---| highlander |--(remote_write B)--> [prometheus compatible LTS]
[prometheus C]---| proxy |
[prometheus D]---|-------------|
Architecture schema (clustered 2 nodes)
/-------------------------------[prometheus compatible LTS]-------------------------------\
| |
| |-------------|--[prometheus A]--|-------------| |
--(remote_write A) x| highlander |--[prometheus B]--| highlander |--(remote_write A)--/
| not Leader |--[prometheus C]--| Leader |
|-------------|--[prometheus D]--|-------------|
| |
\----------(HA sync)------------/
Sample Log
XXX: Add missing logs here