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Use {stylesheet} tag?
We don't use templates saved as files for performance reasons. Is there a way to use the {stylesheet} tag or some other workaround to use database based stylesheet/js templates?
We are coming from minimee and wanted to give automin a try for it's LESS compilation abilities and John has done a great job with his plugin and it works well in this scenario.
Thanks :(
Oi. I'm a dummy.
I found this in the change log! Let me give it another go but I'm getting a funky "division" by zero error.
I shall open a new ticket as this is not related to the {stylesheet} tag :)
I'm going to reopen this because I'm a bit confused as to how to use {stylesheet}. I gave it a go just plugging it into <link ... /> and it didn't parse anything. The _extract_filenames method looks like it'd only catch files ending in .css or .less. What am I missing?