fromthepage copied to clipboard
Include an exportable "contributors" spreadsheet in the collection export tab.
We introduced a "real name" for accounts in order to give credit to contributors, and we may use it in Word, PDF, and TEI-XML exports (todo: check these) but we don't have a way to get it if you are exporting spreadsheets. We should.
Here's the code to pull it:'/tmp/zooplankton_contribs.csv', 'w+')
all_transcribers = User.includes(:deeds).where(deeds: {collection_id: 750}).distinct
all_transcribers.each { |user| f.print "#{user.display_name}, #{}, #{user.real_name} \n" }
We should add column titles: display name, email, real name.
I'd love to see this with "number of contributions" and ordered by contribution as well.
This was inspired by the Zooplankton/Phytoplankton project, which asked contributors for credit information post-fact, which seems inefficient.
It should include OrcID as well.
@saracarl How is this different from the mailing list export from the owner dashboard or the contributor export from the collaborator tab?