Ben T
Ben T
using any of the below variation of the word **Staff** has the same issue MyStaff BlaStuff AllStuff
Just wondering if this is a side effect of string conversion to singular & Camel case etc used bu L5BCrud?
Further research brings up which say the word **staff** is a special case. I still don't know enough to fix / by pass this issue.
Actually it turns out that MyStuff, AllStaff & BlaStaff works. I did not know that the route becomes **http://l5b.test/admin/all_staffs** & **http://l5b.test/admin/my_staffs**
here is the result of generating the crud for **staff** ``` php artisan l5b:crud Staffs -m Model Staff created successfully. Attribute StaffAttribute created successfully. Controller StaffController created successfully. Repository StaffRepository...
I think I have managed to by pass the issue. In the Doctrine Inflector package Inflectror.php I removed the word '**staff**' from the **$uninflected** array. then I can do **php...
So looks like L5B Crud is choking on generating CRUD that has 'special words' ??
A note should be added so people don't bang their heads for days like I did. People can choose to modify the inflector package or not. One can modify the...
laravel-boilerplate is now on version 6
I gave the current version a try with 6.x anyway (a fresh Laravel 6.x boiler) Then `composer require pqrs/l5b-crud` Then `php artisan l5b:crud example` Hit an issue with Str functions...