vscode-benthos icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-benthos copied to clipboard


This extensions is in a very experimental stage. Please test it out and submit any issues you find!

The Benthos extension for Visual Studio Code adds syntax highlighting support for the Bloblang language within YAML files (.yaml/.yml) and mapping files (.blobl).

Bloblang syntax highlighting demo with GruvBox dark hard Visual Studio Code theme Bloblang syntax highlighting demo with GitHub Light Visual Studio Code theme

Working with YAML

Bloblang string interpolations and environment variable references should get enhanced with syntax highlighting.

Syntax highlighting for plugins or plugin config fields that accept bloblang mappings can be enabled using the #!blobl pragma as the first line. Here's an example when using the mapping processor:

    - mapping: |
        root.name = this.
          (fullName | nickName).
          catch(err -> "failed to get pet name: %s".format(err))

        root.sound = if this.type == "cat" {
        } else if this.type == "dog" {
        } else {
          "sweet sweet silence"
    - log:
        level: ${LOG_LEVEL:INFO}
        message: '${! this.name } sounds like ${! this.sound.or("nothing") }'

This snippet would look something like the following screenshot with this extension installed in VS Code.

Syntax highlighting demo for bloblang used in the benthos mapping processor