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springboard is a cli utility to help get your secrets into vault

It leverages the transit secret backend to protect your secrets locally in a yaml formatted secrets file and facilitates pushing the secrets stored in this file into a specified path of the generic secret backend.

Since the values in your secrets file are encrypted with vault's transit backend, you can commit these files to source control. This allows you to be more deliberate about tracking and publishing the sensitive data needed to run your applications.



wget http://dl.fligl.io/artifacts/springboard/springboard_linux_amd64.gz
gunzip springboard_linux_amd64.gz
chmod +x springboard_linux_amd64
mv springboard_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/springboard

Configure Vault

Hard coding tokens etc. is only suitable for dev. See Installing Vault for complete install instructions

export VAULT_TOKEN=springboard
export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200 

vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=springboard

vault mount transit
Successfully mounted 'transit' at 'transit'!

vault write -f transit/keys/my-key
Success! Data written to: transit/keys/my-key

Managing Secrets with Springboard

export VAULT_TOKEN=springboard
export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200 

springboard set -s ./test.yml -t my-key foo "hello world"
springboard set -s ./test.yml -t my-key bar "hello galaxy"
springboard get -s ./test.yml -t my-key foo
hello world
springboard push -s ./test.yml -t my-key secret/my-secrets

vault read secret/my-secrets
Key                     Value
---                     -----
refresh_interval        768h0m0s
bar                     hello galaxy
foo                     hello world

Complete Usage

Usage: springboard <subcommand> -s <secrets file> -t <transit key> [args]

    help                display this help screen and exit
    set <key> <value>   set/encrypt 'value' in local secrets file
    get <key>           get/decrypt 'value' from local secrets file
    push <path>         publish secrets in local secrets file to
                    'path' in vault generic secrets backend

    -s string   secrets file
    -t string   transit key

    springboard set -s secrets.yml -t my-key user_name supersecret
    springboard get -s secrets.yml -t my-key user_name
    springboard push -s secrets.yml -t my-key secret/my-space
