Ben Schlegel
Ben Schlegel
there is also a variant with font weight 500, otherwise using the default font is fine too
i personally think ideally, this would work as a frontmatter property `unlisted: true`, similar to how [private pages]( currently behave to make it easier on users but cool idea!
Sure, will change the default layout :) Few questions about how you want this implemented What about the logo? Should this use the `icon.png` from the static folder? (could use...
> Little suggestion: allow to change the default image path for frontmatter, so I can use `content/img` instead. Def something that can be improved in the future, but probably better...
I'll take a look at changing the default image, fix the merge issues and address your review today or tmrw hopefully :)
>  Should we name these based on slugs instead of path? > > Oh and also space also needs to be escape afaik I don't think slugs have to...
been some really stressful weeks, i probably have a few hours tomorrow to take a look and then some more starting next wednesday, just fyi but hopefully finally get some...
> We will have to decide whether we want to generate this on demand or dump everything pre-serving time. > > pre-serve will cost cold start a bunch, reload with...
> hi @benschlegel, sorry for the ping, if you still want to work on the PR lmk, or I can help with continuing your work here. Hey, no worries. Uni...
this still isnt really getting the per 10 minutes stat, just some generals and that only for 2 heros