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Auto-register ACF field groups as blocks in the new editor (Gutenberg).

ACF Auto Blocks

Auto-register ACF field groups as blocks in the new editor (Gutenberg).

Requires ACF Pro 5.8-beta3 or later. Read more about ACF Blocks for Gutenberg.

Rendering Blocks


Auto Blocks will use the block key as the block template file name. For example, a block with a key of flexible-callout will require a template file named flexible-callout.php. Auto Blocks will look for block templates in an acf-blocks directory in the root of your theme. You can set a different path using the acf/auto_blocks/directory filter.

function my_acf_blocks_directory( $path ) {
  $path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/templates/my-blocks';

  return $path;
add_filter( 'acf/auto_blocks/directory', 'my_acf_blocks_directory' );


Auto Blocks will localize two arrays for use in the template file: $block, containing the block settings, and $data, containing the field values.

<div id="<?php echo $block['id']; ?>">
  <h2><?php echo $data['title']; ?></h2>

Converting Flexible Layouts

Auto Blocks will also assist in converting flexible layout 'page builders' into block-ready field groups. Look for the new 'Convert to Block' action in the layout settings when editing a flexible layout.