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TypeScript Errors



TypeScript's strong type system allows for error detection during the design phase, rather than at runtime. This enables you to find bugs early in the development process.

While error messages may not always be straightforward, I have compiled a comprehensive guide of the most common TypeScript errors and how to solve them.

Feel free to contribute and provide solutions to yet unknown errors. All accepted pull requests appear online at typescript.tv/errors/.

How to discover new errors

Error Code Ranges

All errors are categorized by the TypeScript team into the following ranges:

  • 1xxx range for syntactic messages
  • 2xxx for semantic messages
  • 4xxx for declaration emit messages
  • 5xxx for compiler options messages
  • 6xxx for command line compiler messages
  • 7xxx for noImplicitAny messages

Writing sample code

There are two ways to write code examples for the different TypeScript errors: Markdown Code Blocks and Hexo Code Blocks.

Markdown Code Blocks

You can use Markdown syntax to create fenced code blocks with syntax highlighting:

function add(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b;

It also works for JSX/TSX files:

import React, {FC} from 'react';

const App: FC = (): JSX.Element => {
  return <></>;

Hexo Code Blocks

The Hexo.js Code Block syntax is suggested when you desire to utilize features such as line highlighting or specifying the file name:

{% codeblock main.ts lang:ts mark:1,4-7 %}
console.log("My line will be marked.");
console.log("My line won't be marked.");
console.log("My line won't be marked as well.");
console.log("We will be marked.");
console.log("We will be marked.");
console.log("We will be marked.");
console.log("We will be marked.");
{% endcodeblock %}

Format Markdown files

Formatting your Markdown content is as simple as running npm run fix. This process will also be automatically performed when you commit staged files.

If you wish to prevent codeblocks from being formatted by Prettier, you can use the <!-- prettier-ignore --> directive:

<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->

interface Animal {
  private name: string;

<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->

The prettier-ignore directive is necessary when using the codeblock syntax:

<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->

{% codeblock mark:5 %}
async function test() {
  try {
    await Promise.reject(new Error('This is a test'));
  } catch (error: unknown) {

{% endcodeblock %}

<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->

Attention: Make sure to always add a new line after prettier-ignore-start because of the bug "Prettier range ignore doesn't work for codeblock".

Create internal links

From every post you can link to pages on typescript.tv.


{% post_link error-ts2307-cannot-find-module-events 'Read more' %}
More: {% post_link error-ts2307-cannot-find-module-events %}