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Modifiying the wave 3D Problem

Open ShaikhaTheGreen opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

download Thank you for the innovative contribution!

I tried modifying the wave 3D problem to have the following boundary conditions:

u(x,y,0) = 0 u(0,0,t) = 2 sin (2 pi t) #time-dependent source

in this way:

 def boundary_condition(self, x, u, dudt, d2udx2, d2udy2, d2udt2, sd):
        # Apply u = tanh^2((t-0)/sd)*NN + sigmoid((d-t)/sd)*exp( -(1/2)((x/sd)^2+(y/sd)^2) )  ansatz
        t_2, dudt_2, d2udt_22 = boundary_conditions.tanh2_2(x[:,2:3], 0, sd)
        s, _, d2uds2   = boundary_conditions.sigmoid_2(-x[:,2:3], -2*sd, 0.2*sd)# beware (!) this gives correct 2nd order gradients but negative 1st order (sign flip!)
        mx = my = 0; 
        sx = sy = self.source_sd
        xnx, xny = (x[:,0:1]-mx)/sx, (x[:,1:2]-my)/sy
        #exp = torch.exp(-0.5*(xnx**2 + xny**2))
        exp = torch.exp(-0.5*(xnx**2 + xny**2))*0 #IC = 0 instead of exp
        #Initial GP
        f = exp
        d2udfx2 = (1/sx**2) * ((xnx**2) - 1)*exp
        d2udfy2 = (1/sy**2) * ((xny**2) - 1)*exp
        u_new   = t_2*u + s*f
        d2udx2_new = t_2*d2udx2 + s*d2udfx2
        d2udy2_new = t_2*d2udy2 + s*d2udfy2
        d2udt2_new = d2udt_22*u + 2*dudt_2*dudt + t_2*d2udt2 + d2uds2*f

        #Zero Ic and BC
#         u_new   = t_2*u *0
#         d2udx2_new = t_2*d2udx2 
#         d2udy2_new = t_2*d2udy2 
#         d2udt2_new = d2udt_22*u 
        return u_new, dudt, d2udx2_new, d2udy2_new, d2udt2_new# skip updating first order gradients (not needed for loss)

I also made some changes for the FD file to be this way:

import numpy as np
import time
from seismic_CPML_helper import get_dampening_profiles

# todo: is this faster in parallel with np.roll?

def seismicCPML2D_wS(NX,
    "Run seismicCPML2D"
    velocity = velocity.astype(dtype)
    density = density.astype(dtype)
    if type(gather_is) != type(None): output_gather = True
    else: output_gather = False
    K_MAX_PML = 1.
    ALPHA_MAX_PML = 2.*np.pi*(f0/2.)# from Festa and Vilotte
    NPOWER = 2.# power to compute d0 profile
    Rcoef = 0.001
    # basically: delta x > np.sqrt(3) * max(v) * delta t
    courant_number = np.max(velocity) * DELTAT * np.sqrt(1/(DELTAX**2) + 1/(DELTAY**2))
    if courant_number > 1.: raise Exception("ERROR: time step is too large, simulation will be unstable %.2f"%(courant_number))
    if NPOWER < 1: raise Exception("ERROR: NPOWER must be greater than 1")
    [[a_x, a_x_half, b_x, b_x_half, K_x, K_x_half],
     [a_y, a_y_half, b_y, b_y_half, K_y, K_y_half]] = get_dampening_profiles(velocity, NPOINTS_PML, Rcoef, K_MAX_PML, ALPHA_MAX_PML, NPOWER, DELTAT, DELTAS=(DELTAX, DELTAY), dtype=dtype, qc=False)

    kappa = density*(velocity**2)
    # pressure_present = initial_pressures[1].astype(dtype)
    # pressure_past = initial_pressures[0].astype(dtype)

    #zero IC
    pressure_present = np.zeros((NX, NY), dtype=dtype)
    pressure_past = np.zeros((NX, NY), dtype=dtype)
    memory_dpressure_dx = np.zeros((NX, NY), dtype=dtype)
    memory_dpressure_dy = np.zeros((NX, NY), dtype=dtype)
    memory_dpressurexx_dx = np.zeros((NX, NY), dtype=dtype)
    memory_dpressureyy_dy = np.zeros((NX, NY), dtype=dtype)
    if output_wavefields: wavefields = np.zeros((NSTEPS, NX, NY), dtype=dtype)
    if output_gather: gather = np.zeros((gather_is.shape[0], NSTEPS), dtype=dtype)
    # precompute density_half arrays
    density_half_x = np.pad(0.5 * (density[1:NX,:]+density[:NX-1,:]), [[0,1],[0,0]], mode="edge")
    density_half_y = np.pad(0.5 * (density[:,1:NY]+density[:,:NY-1]), [[0,0],[0,1]], mode="edge")
    start = time.time()
    for it in range(NSTEPS):
        # compute the first spatial derivatives divided by density
        value_dpressure_dx = np.pad((pressure_present[1:NX,:]-pressure_present[:NX-1,:]) / DELTAX, [[0,1],[0,0]], mode="constant", constant_values=0.)
        value_dpressure_dy = np.pad((pressure_present[:,1:NY]-pressure_present[:,:NY-1]) / DELTAY, [[0,0],[0,1]], mode="constant", constant_values=0.)
        memory_dpressure_dx = b_x_half * memory_dpressure_dx + a_x_half * value_dpressure_dx
        memory_dpressure_dy = b_y_half * memory_dpressure_dy + a_y_half * value_dpressure_dy
        value_dpressure_dx = value_dpressure_dx / K_x_half + memory_dpressure_dx
        value_dpressure_dy = value_dpressure_dy / K_y_half + memory_dpressure_dy
        pressure_xx = value_dpressure_dx / density_half_x
        pressure_yy = value_dpressure_dy / density_half_y
        # compute the second spatial derivatives
        value_dpressurexx_dx = np.pad((pressure_xx[1:NX,:]-pressure_xx[:NX-1,:]) / DELTAX, [[1,0],[0,0]], mode="constant", constant_values=0.)
        value_dpressureyy_dy = np.pad((pressure_yy[:,1:NY]-pressure_yy[:,:NY-1]) / DELTAY, [[0,0],[1,0]], mode="constant", constant_values=0.)
        memory_dpressurexx_dx = b_x * memory_dpressurexx_dx + a_x * value_dpressurexx_dx
        memory_dpressureyy_dy = b_y * memory_dpressureyy_dy + a_y * value_dpressureyy_dy
        value_dpressurexx_dx = value_dpressurexx_dx / K_x + memory_dpressurexx_dx
        value_dpressureyy_dy = value_dpressureyy_dy / K_y + memory_dpressureyy_dy
        dpressurexx_dx = value_dpressurexx_dx
        dpressureyy_dy = value_dpressureyy_dy
        # apply the time evolution scheme
        # we apply it everywhere, including at some points on the edges of the domain that have not be calculated above,
        # which is of course wrong (or more precisely undefined), but this does not matter because these values
        # will be erased by the Dirichlet conditions set on these edges below
        # pressure_future =   - pressure_past \
        #                     + 2 * pressure_present \
        #                     + DELTAT*DELTAT*(dpressurexx_dx+dpressureyy_dy)*kappa

        # Stepping with a source function, p is passed from the main file as p0 (Gaussian pulse)
        # location of source is passed within p0
        def func_t(p,t_inst):
            Amp = 1
            freq = 1
            t = t_inst*DELTAT
            return p*Amp*np.sin(2*np.pi**freq*t)
        pressure_future =   - pressure_past \
                            + 2 * pressure_present \
                            + DELTAT*DELTAT*(dpressurexx_dx+dpressureyy_dy)*kappa \
                            + DELTAT*DELTAT*func_t(initial_pressures[1].astype(dtype),it)
        # apply Dirichlet conditions at the bottom of the C-PML layers,
        # which is the right condition to implement in order for C-PML to remain stable at long times
        # Dirichlet conditions
        pressure_future[0,:] = pressure_future[-1,:] = 0.
        pressure_future[:,0] = pressure_future[:,-1] = 0.
        if output_wavefields: wavefields[it,:,:] = np.copy(pressure_present)
        if output_gather:
            gather[:,it] = np.copy(pressure_present[gather_is[:,0], gather_is[:,1]])# nb important to copy

        # check stability of the code, exit if unstable
        if(np.max(np.abs(pressure_present)) > STABILITY_THRESHOLD):
            raise Exception('code became unstable and blew up')
        # move new values to old values (the present becomes the past, the future becomes the present)
        pressure_past = pressure_present
        pressure_present = pressure_future
        #print(pressure_past.dtype, pressure_future.dtype, wavefields.dtype, gather.dtype)
        if it % 10000 == 0 and it!=0:
            rate = (time.time()-start)/10.
            print("[%i/%i] %.2f s per step"%(it, NSTEPS, rate))
            start = time.time()
    output = [None, None]
    if output_wavefields: output[0]=wavefields
    if output_gather: output[1]=gather
    return output

Mainly attempting to change the IC and add a time-dependent source term to the equation so it becomes:

 d^2 u     d^2 u        1   d^2 u
 ------ + ------  -  ---   ------   =   S(x,y,t)
 dx^2       dy^2      c^2  dt^2


Amp = 1
freq = 1
sx = sy =self.source_sd
mx = 0; my = 0
GP = torch.exp(-0.5*(( (x[:,0:1]-mx)/sx)**2 + ((x[:,1:2]-my)/sy)**2 ))

S = Amp * GP * torch.sin(2*np.pi*freq*x[:,2:3])  #The Source function

but the results are as shown in the image. So, my questions are:

  1. How can I implement my specified boundary and initial conditions in a better way than the one I tried (if my attempt was correct)? I don't fully understand how to use the implemented boundary condition helper functions to implement my specific equations.

 d^2 u     d^2 u        1   d^2 u
 ------ + ------  -  ---   ------   =   S(x,y,t)
 dx^2       dy^2      c^2  dt^2
Boundary conditions:
        u(x,y,0) = 0
        u(0,0,t) = 2 * sin (2 * pi * t)	#time-dependent source

The results in the image were executed with these batch sizes:

batch_size = (30,30,30)
batch_size_test = (40,40,15)

because of the limited memory on my GPU.

  1. Does this affect the results? If so, how can I increase batch_size_test without getting OOM error?

Thanks again! Looking forward to your reply.

ShaikhaTheGreen avatar Mar 02 '22 19:03 ShaikhaTheGreen

Also, it'll be helpful to know how can I change the source function?

sin (2 pi x).....(1)


sin (2 pi t).....(2)

Simply modifying the initial condition that contains the original equation (1) does not satisfy all t instances except t = 0.

ShaikhaTheGreen avatar Mar 07 '22 05:03 ShaikhaTheGreen

Hi @engsbk sorry for replying slowly. Please check out the latest FBPINN release - it is a major update and there is no need to update the gradients of the FBPINN by hand when applying constraining operators, this is now done automatically using autodiff, so your workflow should be much simpler. Also the memory performance was improved, so you may be able to train/test with more points now

benmoseley avatar Jul 31 '23 16:07 benmoseley

Hi @engsbk I am also interested in implementing source term. I have done it for 1D wave equation by adding a term in physics_loss but 2D seems problematic. Not sure what the ansatz should look like. @benmoseley could you give a example of how source term with zero IC should be implemented? Thanks!

wenscarl avatar Jan 04 '24 15:01 wenscarl

Here is some code for the (2+1)D wave equation, with zero ICs and a source term. Please ignore the exact solution - you would need to add e.g. FD modelling code to compare to this.

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

from fbpinns.domains import RectangularDomainND
from fbpinns.problems import Problem
from fbpinns.decompositions import RectangularDecompositionND
from fbpinns.networks import FCN
from fbpinns.constants import Constants, get_subdomain_ws
from fbpinns.trainers import FBPINNTrainer, PINNTrainer

class WaveEquation3D(Problem):
    """Solves the time-dependent (2+1)D wave equation with constant velocity
        d^2 u   d^2 u    1  d^2 u
        ----- + ----- - --- ----- = s(x,y,t)
        dx^2    dy^2    c^2 dt^2

        Boundary conditions:
        u(x,y,0) = 0
        --(x,y,0) = 0

    def init_params(c=1, sd=1):

        static_params = {
        return static_params, {}

    def sample_constraints(all_params, domain, key, sampler, batch_shapes):

        # physics loss
        x_batch_phys = domain.sample_interior(all_params, key, sampler, batch_shapes[0])
        required_ujs_phys = (
        return [[x_batch_phys, required_ujs_phys],]

    def constraining_fn(all_params, x_batch, u):
        c = all_params["static"]["problem"]["c"]
        sd = all_params["static"]["problem"]["sd"]
        t = x_batch[:,2:3]

        u = (jax.nn.tanh(c*t/(2*sd))**2)*u# constrains u(x,y,0) = u_t(x,y,0) = 0
        return u

    def loss_fn(all_params, constraints):
        c = all_params["static"]["problem"]["c"]
        sd = all_params["static"]["problem"]["sd"]
        x_batch, uxx, uyy, utt = constraints[0]
        x, y, t = x_batch[:,0:1], x_batch[:,1:2], x_batch[:,2:3]

        e = -0.5*(x**2 + y**2 + t**2)/(sd**2)
        s = 2e3*(1+e)*jnp.exp(e)# ricker source term
        phys = (uxx + uyy) - (1/c**2)*utt - s
        return jnp.mean(phys**2)

    def exact_solution(all_params, x_batch, batch_shape):
        key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
        return jax.random.normal(key, (x_batch.shape[0],1))

subdomain_xs = [np.linspace(-1,1,5), np.linspace(-1,1,5), np.linspace(0,1,5)]
subdomain_ws = get_subdomain_ws(subdomain_xs, 1.9)

c = Constants(
        c=1, sd=0.1,

#run = FBPINNTrainer(c)

c["network_init_kwargs"] = dict(layer_sizes=[3,64,64,1])
run = PINNTrainer(c)


benmoseley avatar Jan 08 '24 16:01 benmoseley