Hi Tyler, 1) The different flux levels could mean a few different things. The most likely case I think is that you're using a different aperture than they are, and...
Hi Jenny, Funny timing, I was just talking about this issue with someone else this week. Can you try the latest version of the code straight off of github and...
Hi Rachel, Thanks for your patience. In cases like this, I recommend plotting the psf shape parameters (data.psf_a, psf_b, psf_c, psf_x, psf_y, psf_bkg). You'll see that there's a big jump...
Hi Rachel, Remember that the PSF modeling doesn't care about times, it takes in an arbitary TPF and performs operations on the measured flux values, it doesn't know anything about...
It looks like this is an extremely faint star, 18.5 mag in the TESS bandpass. Here, its PSF overlaps with many brighter stars, so the best fitting model (using a...
Hey, thanks for pointing this out, we had not seen that the quality flags had been extended. We'll make this change (although between my teaching and Adina's preparing for candidacy...
Yes, this is on my list, but not at an extremely high priority. I have a couple funding proposals coming up to work through first, so the timescale is weeks...
Hey all, I was just able to install tensorflow 1.15.2 without any problems on python 3.7.6. I seem to recall once having issues with tensorflow and numpy, but with 1.18.1...
I'm going to hack on this one day at #tessninja. I talked briefly about this with Geert/Christina at AAS and got some ideas!
Hi @yaelnaze, can I ask what versions of eleanor, astroquery, and astropy you are using? You can check these by importing the module and then typing `eleanor.__version__` for example, with...