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Git hook for adding Jira issues and stories to commit body



GJira fetches a Jira issue based on the current branch name and appends to the commit body.

GJira allows dynamic branches to be set per project and commit template by using dynamic Jira attributes.


This came as a requirement from projects I work where makes heavy use of Jira. Jira has support for Smart commits which we use in all projects where I work. This allows us to dynamically move cards around depending on their status, and link commits and branches to them.

It's a neat feature for developers and projects managers, as it removes the overhead from developers by having to move cards around manually on each push and gives the project manager an insight of the current development workload.




Git commit template

GJira requires a commit template file. GJira supports Jinja2, which allows customizable templates based on Jira context. For example:

# The following is automatically by 'commit.template'

Jira issue: [{{ key }}]
{% if parent__key %}Jira story: [{{ parent__key }}]{% endif %}
{% if summary %}Jira summary: {{ summary }}{% endif %}

The keys are related to Jira issue attributes. For example:

issue.fields.worklog.worklogs[0].updateAuthor                # dictionary

issue.fields.timetracking.remainingEstimate           # may be NULL or string ("0m", "2h"...)
issue.fields.timetracking.remainingEstimateSeconds    # may be NULL or integer
issue.fields.timetracking.timeSpent                   # may be NULL or string
issue.fields.timetracking.timeSpentSeconds            # may be NULL or integer

Inner issue fields require . (dot) to be replaced with __ (double underscore).


GJira find Jira ID by the branch name. You can use a regex to specify the location for the issue ID, for example: the regex ISSUE-\d+ will match ISSUE-123/branch-name or ISSUE-123-branch-name etc.

pre-commit configuration

Add the following repository to your .pre-commit-config.yml file

- repo: https://github.com/benmezger/gjira
  rev: master
    - id: gjira
      args: ["--board=<board/project name>",

Other gjira args include --max-retries for number of HTTP retries before failing.

Environment variables

Set the following environment variables:

export jiraserver="https://domain.atlassian.net"
export jirauser="[email protected]"

# from: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
export jiratoken="token"

Installing the hook

Finally, install the hook with pre-commit: pre-commit install --hook-type prepare-commit-msg.


GJira has a pre-push hook support, which prevents user from pushing to remote if the current branch is not within the specified format.

pre-commit configuration

To enable pre-push, set the following to your .pre-commit-config.yml file

- repo: https://github.com/benmezger/gjira
  rev: feat/click-args
    - id: gjira-check-branch
      language_version: python3
      args: ["--regex=^(feat|refactor|fix|chore)/.*$|^(master|dev(elop)?)$"]

Installing the hook

Finally, install pre-push hook: pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push


prepare-commit-msg using Git in the terminal


prepare-commit-msg Git in VSCode

GJira VScode




  • GJira is not appending the issue/story to the commit message.

    That's probably because you are not checkout to a branch with the required format or credentials are possibly wrong.

  • GJira is not appending the story ID

    That's probably because your issue is not a subtask of a story.

  • I need it solved right now!

    Run pre-commit uninstall --hook-type prepare-commit-msg. That should disable prepare-commit-msg.


  1. Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run pytest pytest .

There are two ways of manually running GJira.

  1. python -m gjira which will run main() in __main__
  2. You can install the cli to your system pip install .


  • Cache issues the board and check the cache before doing a HTTP request
    • add --refresh parameter to GJira