google-apps-script-awesome-list copied to clipboard
The usual list of links to interesting resources for Google Apps Script
Google Apps Script List
Google Apps Script List
- Useful sites & blogs
- Awesome code & things
- Lists
- Starter Kits
- Shims and polyfills
Libraries & Modules
- Using databases
- ORM (O/RM and O/R mapping tool)
- Utility
- Parsing
- oAuth
- Images & Pictures
- Data Studio community connectors
- Pack modules and universal libraries
- Open Source Apps & Add-ons
- Testing
- Logging
Snippets and assorted
- Lists & collections
- Spreadsheets
- Assorted
- Google Apps Script G+ Community
- Developing add-ons for Google Docs/Sheets/Forms G+ Community
- Search by label [google-apps-script] on GitHub
- SO [google-apps-script] tag
- Medium Google Apps Script tag
Useful sites & blogs
- Amit Agarwal's site
- Martin Hawksey's site
- Desktop Liberation - the definitive resource for Google Apps Script and Microsoft Office automation
- Google Apps Script Tutorials and Examples • Making Google Apps Script Accessible to Eveybody
- scriptsexamples A set of code samples and libraries to foster programming in Google AppsScript to be easy
- The
Google Apps Script
tag of the Kanshi's blog - The Andrew Roberts's site
- The
google apps script
tag of Ivan Kutil's blog - Google Apps Script Tutorial
- Scripting With Shiva It will help those wants to start Google Apps script Development from scratch
- Ben Collins's site
Awesome code & things
- Learning Google Apps Script The best resources for learning Google Apps Script, the glue that connects GSuite services including Gmail, Google Drive, Calendar, Maps, Analytics and more
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- google/clasp Develop Apps Script projects locally using clasp (Command Line Apps Script Projects) CLI
- gas-local Execute and test your google app scripts locally in node.js
- gamified_journal Proof of concept of a local development / push toolchain for Google Apps Scripting
- gas-github Chrome-extension to manage Google Apps Script(GAS) code with github/github enterprise
- ggsrun This is a CLI tool to execute Google Apps Script (GAS) on a terminal
- gdrive Google Drive CLI Client
- MaartenDesnouck/google-apps-script gas, for locally developing Google Apps Script projects
- gas-lib NPM package to add code auto-completion for Google AppsScript in your prefered code editor
- AppsScriptColor (3 700+ users) This Chrome extension provide 2 dark color themes for the google apps script editor. It also allows to use folders to sort your files more cleanly
- KaiShoya/autocomplete-gas Google Apps Script autocompletions for Atom editor
- rudimusmaximus/DevFlow A Dev Flow for Google Appscript
- fossamagna/gas-webpack-plugin Webpack plugin for Google Apps Script
- Andrew Roberts' Dev Flow - Description of a dev flow using Github assistant.
Starter Kits
- apps-script-starter A starter kit for building Google Apps Script projects with modern JavaScript ES6, Webpack, Babel and ESLint inside Visual Studio Code
- gas-minimal-boilerplate A minimal boilerplate with webpack for Google Apps Script
- google-apps-script-template A feature rich task runner for Google Apps Script to write, lint and push modern code to your documents
- gas-shell Starter template to develop locally Google AppsScript project with your prefered code editor (include build and publish as Add-on commands)
- artnc/gas-es6-webpack ES6+Webpack boilerplate for Google Apps Script
- howdy39/gas-clasp-starter A starter template for Google Apps Script by clasp
- zaki-yama/webpack-google-apps-script-template Template for developing Google Apps Script with Webpack
- JeanRemiDelteil/gas-starter-kit Empty projet to start develop in Google AppsScript locally
- faresd/google-apps-script_travis-ci Automating Apps Script build, test, deployment and publishing in Chrome Webstore as an add-on using Travis CI
- sao-clasp With one command, Generate a Google Apps Script project that uses clasp
Shims and polyfills
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Libraries & Modules
Using databases
- FirebaseApp The Google Apps Script binding for the Firebase Realtime Database
- oshliaer/alasqlgs AlaSQLGS is a library that enables the use of the AlaSQL.js library in Google Apps Script
ORM (O/RM and O/R mapping tool)
- Goodel An ORM for Google Apps scripts
- gs-spreadsheet-manager A slightly more object-oriented, ORM-y, and altogether pleasant way of dealing with Google Spreadsheets when using Google Apps Script
- Sheetfu An ORM to treat spreadsheet as database tables using Google Apps Scripts. Sheetfu's Python version
- itmammoth/Tamotsu Object-Spreadsheet Mapping for Google Apps Script
- gas-underscore Underscore for Google Apps Script
- lodashgs Lodash for Google Apps Script is a library that enables the use of the lodash.js library in Google Apps Script
- brucemcpherson/cUseful Various dependency free useful functions
- Gexpress Express-ish middleware for google appscript (build NODEJS-ish applications)
- tanaikech/RangeListApp RangeListApp is a GAS library for retrieving, putting and replacing values for Spreadsheet by a range list with a1Notation using Google Apps Script (GAS)
- syslogic/google-apps-script is a client for Google Cloud Datastore, which runs as a Service Account
- Sheetbase Build REST API server, websites and apps using Google Apps Script.
- Apps-Script-htmlparser2-library A browserified version of fb55/htmlparser2 modified to work in Google Apps Script
- cheeriogs HTML manipulation library with jQuery-like interface
- apps-script-oauth1 An OAuth1 library for Google Apps Script
- apps-script-oauth2 An OAuth2 library for Google Apps Script
- brucemcpherson/cGoa OAuth2 for Apps Script in a few lines of code
Images & Pictures
- ImgApp This is a library of image tools for Google Apps Script
Data Studio community connectors
- googledatastudio/community-connectors This repository contains open source content for Google Data Studio
Pack modules and universal libraries
- classroomtechtools/modularLibraries A collection of importable, modular libraries for any gas project
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Open Source Apps & Add-ons
- google-docs-add-on Publish to WordPress from Google Docs
- email-studio-gmail-addon Gmail add-on for Mail Merge and Email Scheduler
- erickoledadevrel/crop-sheet An add-on for Google Sheets that allows you to easily remove extra rows and columns
- ericyd/gdrive-transfer Web app to transfer ownership of a Google Drive folder, including all sub-folders and documents
- ericyd/gdrive-copy Google Drive Copy Folder
- stardotbmp/slack-gas-signup Google Apps Script Html Webapp as sign-up page for a slack channel
- Atlassian Cloud for Gmail add-on An add-on to view information about items from Jira Cloud & Bitbucket Cloud, and take action on them from Gmail.
- Davepar/gcalendarsync Apps Script for syncing a Google Spreadsheet with Google Calendar
- Google Forms Google Scripts for sending emails, generating PDFs and setting response limits inside Google Forms.
- Website Monitor Apps Script for monitoring the uptime of websites inside Google Sheets.
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- gast Google Apps Script TAP Testing-framework
- GSUnit is a Google Apps Script based testing framework based on JUnit by Kent Beck and JSUnit by Edward Hieatt. It will allow one to run tests while developing
- classroomtechtools/ Assertion and unit testing of modular libraries
- simula-innovation/qunit An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework
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- gasl Google Apps Script Logging-framework
- BetterLog Logging library that extends the native apps script Logger, mainly to allow logging to a GSheet
BBLog Logging library that further extends BLog to give
- logging to a Firebase DB
- multiple logging instances
- logging of function names and line numbers
- log the user's email address or ID, in a full or disguised format
- automatically format log GSheet
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Snippets and assorted
Lists & collections
- [Apps Script] Getting the unmerged ranges within a range
- Google Apps Script to fill in a Document template with Spreadsheet data
- GoogleSheets best code I've tested in Google Sheets
- google-apps-script-snippets Google Apps Script Snippets
- google-docs Libraries and functions used within Google Docs
- youtube/api-samples/apps-script The file in this directory contains code snippets that are generated by the Data API code snippet tool at:
- google/google-apps-script-samples Various sample code and projects for the Google Apps Script platform
- googlesamples/apps-script-templates This repository contains a number of code templates for Google Apps Script that provide example frameworks for Apps Script projects
- derekantrican/Google-Apps-Script-Library A variety of functions/programs written for Google Apps Script and Google services
- stardotbmp/google-sheet-functions A single repository for open sharing of custom functions I have found to be useful generally
- googlesamples/apps-script Sample code for Google Apps Script, a cloud-based scripting service for Google Apps
- An Example of using an HTML form (e.g: "Contact Us" on a website) to send Email without a Backend Server (using a Google Script)
- Google Script Reference
- rudimusmaximus/BurningGAS Demonstrate various google apps script using a menu of functions inside a fresh google sheet and container bound editor
- GAS-Framework - library boilerplate that provides logging (BBLog) and error handling (Assert)
- JSONPath Extract data from complex data structures with simple expressions. Google Apps Script version of this library.
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