PowerPoint-OSC copied to clipboard
Not working over Network?
Hello my fried,
i am Tryng to send OSC message from Qlab on IOS on the same Network as my Windows Laptop. So i tried any kind of setting for the Ports an Remote host but no response. So it isn't Work for me. Can You Help me?
I tried to send /next OSC to The IP Adress of my Windows laptop. So The Network Setting in Qlabs ist the IP adress from Windows PC as Destination an the standard Port of 35550
As Remote Host i typed the IP of my Macbook and the Listening Port of 53000 but no Response. Also not in Presentation mode.
Do i understand something wrong? Im using windows 10 BTW an didn't get anny issues during the Installation
Can You Help me with that pleas :)
Does it work in local then, from the same computer ? Can you ping your windows computer And which version of Powerpoint do you use, it has not been tested with every version, especially recent ones. I'm not really maintaining that anymore
The configurations field do not work and instead send to the default ip and port.
Referenced in #11
Use OSCRouter or something similar to forward it along to the correct address
The problem is, that the setupOSC function is only called, when the text in the "local port" field changes - therefore enter the remote port and ip and after that edit the local port - then it is working fine.
@benkuper probably you could add me as a maintainer, than I can make some changes to the project to get it to life again.
I'm not on my computer, but you could already do a PR ? I'll check later