the-little-elixir-otp-guidebook-code copied to clipboard
terminating children in thy_supervisor.ex
I am reading through the book and I am confused on pages 102 - 103. for the following handle_call cb we delete the child from the state (HashDict).
def handle_call({ :terminate, pid }, _from, state) do case terminate_child(pid) do :ok -> new_state = state |> HashDict.delete(pid) { :reply, :ok, new_state } :error -> { :reply, { :error, "error terminating child" }, state } end end
defp terminate_child(pid) do Process.exit(pid, :kill) :ok end
Benjamin then goes to explain that we must provide the following handle info cb to terminate the child process, since we used Process.exit(pid, :kill)
def handle_info({ :EXIT, from, :killed }, state) do new_state = state |> HashDict.delete(from) { :noreply, new_state } end
To me it seems you are deleting the child process twice since the following line
new_state = state |> HashDict.delete(from)
is in both the handle_call and handle_info callbacks. What is going on here?
Yep, I came across the same problem when going through the code in the book. This isn't actually a problem because both HashDict.delete
and the newer Map.delete
simply return the same map if the key cannot be found. That being said, I agree with this issue that the code is confusing and repetitive. I posted an expanded post on the topic similar to this issue on the official book forum here.