bootstrap_package copied to clipboard
get additional fields from sys_Category for pages [Question]
i'am using bootstrap_package 9.1.1 with typo3 8.7.18 and i wonder if it's possible to solve the array of categories for pages and get additional fields like uid and title for assigned categories.
We want to use this fields for the output in the frontend (like in templates e.g. "MenuThumbnailDir.html").
Page Directory |-- Page One - Category "A" |-- Page Two - Category "B" |-- Page Three - Categeories "A,B"
Using "MenuThumbnailDir" for "Page Directory" should render FrontenEnd like:
Teaser 1 Cat: A Title: Page One Thumb: Image Link to Page One
Teaser 2 Cat: B Title: Page Two Thumb: Image Link to Page Two
At the moment the field only contains the count of assigned categories.
I look forward to hear form you