Benjamin Hollon
Benjamin Hollon
Yeah, I think it's very likely the same root issue we've been having on I *thought* Phanpy was one of the clients handling it correctly but don't actually use...
So what's happening (assuming I'm understanding everything correctly, which is not always the case 😅) is that that page of the timeline is empty (since all posts that would've been...
Another relevant issue:
My understanding of the API is there's a single endpoint for public timelines, then a query parameter to filter that down to specifically the local timeline, so perhaps if there's...
In which case it boils down to the issue I reported that tobi linked, where to fix the common treatment of the API by clients we'd do some kind of...
Could perhaps also be enabled in the config file, and not just default behavior?
I'm curious (this is a bit off topic), is there any documentation anywhere on the API? Would be neat if so, since it would help encourage potential third-party clients such...
I just found this: Does this exist somewhere in a more human-readable format? (If not that's okay)
I've got an instance setup (, so I'll play around with it over the next few days and see where I can help document things. This is a really cool...
How does that work? I'm having trouble imagining multiple people "receiving" a boost… Oh, like in their home timeline?