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Arduino library for DC-DC converters with UARTs
Arduino library for inexpensive (~$30) remotely controllable and monitored DC-DC converters.
See example here. This isn't guaranteed to work with all models, this is just what I found works and thought I'd share it in case it's helpful to anyone else.
Read more (including pinouts and connection details) at my blog post.
Some poorly written documentation for the protocol from Drok: https://www.droking.com/cs/support/topic/200220-dc-dc-buck-converter-uart/#post-35186
Thanks to John Detrick for expanding on my initial work and building out support for additional commands.
Library commands
Library function | Prototol command | Use |
setVoltageMilliVolts(uint16_t millivolts) | awu (milivolts) | Sets output Volage in mV |
setCurrentMilliAmps(uint16_t milliamps) | awi (miliamps) | Sets output Current in mA |
enableOutput(bool status) | awo1 / awo0 | Enables/Disables the Output |
enableAuto(bool status) | awy1 / awy0 | Enables/Disables if output enabled at power up |
enableLock(bool status) | awl1 / awl0 | Enables/Disables lock on power supply buttons - local control |
enableDisplay(bool status) | awd1 / awd0 | Enables/Disables the 4 digit display |
setMemory(int loc) | aws (loc) | Set values in memory (0-9) *See Note 1 |
getMemory(int loc) | awm (loc) | Get values from memory (0-9) |
readVoltageMilliVolts() | aru | Returns active output Voltage |
readCurrentMilliAmps() | ari | Returns acive output Current |
readSetMilliVolts() | arv | Returns set output Voltage |
readSetMilliAmps() | ara | Returns set output Current |
readTimer() | art | Returns number of seconds supply has run |
readCapacity() | arc | Returns total amp hours in thousandth of AH |
getOutputEnabled() | aro | Get the status of the output |
getAutoEnabled() | ary | Get the status if output is on or off at power up |
getLockEnabled() | arl | Get if the front panel is locked |
Note: Preset memory location zero sets the default power up values.
Fun fact: When the Power Supply is polled by the MCU, it causes the four digit numeric display appear to flicker.
Compatible converters
DC-DC converters sold under the brand names Yeeco and DROK seem to be compatible with these commands. Such as:
- DKP6012 (all commands tested)
- DKP6008 (core commands tested - functionality of complete command set not verified)
Searching "DC to DC Step Down Power Supply Module 10V-65V" or "DKP6012" yield the search results to find them for purchase.
The Drok branded device looks like this:
The generic ones found on places like Aliexpress look like these:
The library should also support the model DKP6008 - at this time, there has been no testing of John Detrick's additional commands against the DKP6008, but it should work.
They all function the same, with the small exception that where the default baud rate used to be 4800, it has been 9600 on recently produced devices (as of mid 2021).
Wiring connections:
Power Supply | MCU |
T | TX |
G | Signal and DC ground for power supply. |
R | RX |
V | +5VDC - *See Note 2 |
Note: I've come across some of the power supplies that the +5VDC was high (one was 6.2VDC) and could cause issues if being used as the VCC for the MCU. It's safe to leave the voltage line disconnected if you don't want to use it as a source for voltage to the MCU. It's reccomended to check the voltage on this pin before using it as a source for VCC to the MCU.
The MCU to Power Supply transmit TTL levels appear to need to be level shifted from 3.3 to 5 volts for best results for devices like the ESP32 and other 3.3v TTL level devices.
During testing and analysis of the comminication. It was found that the reply is very quick after the poll. Also, though the little bit of documentation states the line termination needs to contain an /r /n (0x0D, 0x0A) - the power supply starts to respond after the /r (0x0D).
Testing just an /r (0x0D) on the poll shows that it will indead respond to just that as the line termniation.
Additional resources
For use in a solar controller with an ESP32, see this project.