one-ftpserver copied to clipboard
Simple, portable FTP server for one user by one executable jar file.
Using One-FTPServer
- Provides a simple way to run Apache FTP sever.
- No installation. Packaged in one executable jar file.
- No configuration file. All configuration is supported by command line arguments.
- Supports anonymous login by default.
- Supports FTP and FTPS(FTP over SSL(Secure Sockets Layer))
You can download an executable jar file from
If you execute a jar file with no argument, it will be running with default configuration.
java -jar one-ftpserver.jar
You can specify parameters for configurations by command line arguments with 'key=value' format.
java -jar one-ftpserver.jar port=10021 id=benelog password=1234
Currently, 6 parameters are supported as following.
java -jar one-ftpserver.jar port=10021 passivePorts=10125-10199 ssl=true id=benelog password=1234 home=/home/benelog/programs
After the execution, configuration parameters are printed to the standard output.
FTP sever started :
# Configuration parameters
- ssl : false
- port : 2003
- passivePorts :
- id : benelog
- password : 1234
- home : /home/benelog/workspace/one-ftpserver
Confiugration Parameters
- ssl : true/false. The deafult value is 'false'. If it is 'true', FTPS will be used.
- port : a control port for FTP/FTPS. The default value is 2121.
- passivePorts : ports for passive data connection. You can define a range of ports like '10125-10199' More examples are on
- id : username for login. The default value is 'anonymous'. If you don't specify this parameter, anonymous login will be activated.
- password : password for login.
- home : home directory of user. The default value is working directory of the FTP server.