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Consider adding some brief docs for MrAnderson developers
While making some changes to MrAnderson, I was curious to know the best way to build and install locally.
I stumbled on the Makefile. And looked at what MrAnderson does for CircleCI.
And figured things out. Maybe.
I think...
Some dev docs would be helpful for those who want to contribute to MrAnderson.
This could either be in a separate
doc or directly in the current
Even after looking at the Makefile several times, I'm not sure I understand how to build and install a version of MrAnderson with inlined deps to my local maven repo.
I tweaked the Makefile:
-.PHONY: install inline test integration-test deploy clean
+.PHONY: boostrap-install inline test integration-test install deploy clean
# Note that `install` is a two-step process: given that mranderson depends on itself as a plugin,
# it first needs to be installed without the plugin, for bootstrapping this self dependency.
lein clean
lein with-profile -user,-dev install
lein with-profile -user,-dev,+mranderson-plugin install
-.inline: install
+.inline: bootstrap-install
rm target/*.jar
rm pom.xml
lein with-profile -user,-dev,+mranderson-plugin inline-deps :skip-javaclass-repackage true
touch .inline
inline: .inline
lein test
+install: .inline
+ lein with-profile -user,-dev,+mranderson-profile install
deploy: .inline
lein with-profile -user,-dev,+mranderson-profile deploy clojars
lein clean
rm -rf .inline
This seemed to work, but if it does not make sense please let me know so I can better understand. If it does make sense I can include the change in the PR.
Next Steps
If adding some brief developer docs is something that interests you too, I'll follow up with a PR.
So the Makefile change seems to make sense. The tweak allows me to easily test locally with MrAnderson with its own deps inlined. Which is handy for things like cljdoc previewing.