pdf-keywords-extractor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pdf-keywords-extractor copied to clipboard

🤖 PDF Keywords Extractor 🤖

What is it?

An automation that automatically identifies whether the given PDFs contain the specified keywords, outputting the result as a CSV file.

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How to use the PDF Keywords Extractor

Via User-Interface (for technical and non-technical users)


Once downloaded and installed, click on Install a community assistant and paste in the URL of this repository: https://github.com/bendersej/pdf-keywords-extractor.

Via Command-Line (for technical users)


Place yourself at the root of this folder and run the following command:

rcc run

Known issues

Extracting the text from big PDFs files currently takes a significant amount of time.

For example, it takes roughly 1 min and 10s to extract keywords for The Count of Monte Cristo.


Via Pull Request

Feel free to open a new pull request with your proposed feature.

Via Issue

If you don't have the skills or the time, feel free to open an Issue describing the feature you would like to be implemented.