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Browser support
What is the browser support?
From the README:
Sprint relies on newer APIs supported by modern browsers (read: IE10+)
I saw the IE10+ note, but it also mentions mobile. It would be nice to at least see some of the features (listing querySelectorAll
, classList
, setAttribute
, etc). Then if someone is curious they can look it up on caniuse
IE10+ is an indicator of browser support... but it would be better to get some sort of table indicating supported versions of Chrome, FF, etc
+1 for a decent support table.
Here is a quick list of features I found when browsing the source code:
http://caniuse.com/#feat=classlist http://caniuse.com/#feat=matchesselector http://caniuse.com/#feat=queryselector http://caniuse.com/#feat=getcomputedstyle http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5/#Object.keys
:+1: need this
I'm slightly reluctant to specify an "official" browser support list as it'll never be 100% comprehensive and thus somehow inaccurate but, basically, any vaguely recent browser will be fine (Safari 7.1+, FF 34+, Chrome 38+, …).
I'm all for a browser support table. You should absolutely add a note regarding its specificity, but its usefulness lies in answering, "does this support IE9?" and questions like that. A comprehensive list of features it needs would be great as well, and would be much more maintainable. Just include a list of links to caniuse.com, done.