sprint icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sprint copied to clipboard

is it compatible with backbone?

Open tgabi333 opened this issue 9 years ago • 4 comments

tgabi333 avatar Apr 29 '15 11:04 tgabi333


yamsellem avatar Apr 29 '15 19:04 yamsellem

NB: I'm not the author.

I don't think it is based on a couple quick observations.

  • There's no $.ajax() Backbone uses ajax() internally for it's sync() method on collections and models.
  • In another issue someone is requesting .on() event method. IE delegating method binding to a parent DOM element. Backbone Views use this to bind to their root (this.el in the View) element, and dispatch to it's events: { ... } member.

Keeping ajax out of this lib makes a lot of sense to me, it's beyond the scope in my opinion. For Backbones purposes I think it would make more sense to rewrite it's sync() method to use the modern agreed upon XHR2 API, in keeping with this (sprint) libraries avoidance of legacy cruft.

The event binding it more problematic. If it is added it would be a good fit for use with Backbone I think.

alexwright avatar May 11 '15 11:05 alexwright

Here are some infos about backbone without jquery. https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone/wiki/Using-Backbone-without-jQuery

rs3d avatar May 19 '15 07:05 rs3d


could help sprint.js adoption rate. stats look great.

orenmizr avatar May 23 '15 17:05 orenmizr