sprint copied to clipboard
Added package.json
Prepared npm package.
Wow, need this ! :+1:
:+1: Absolutely AMAZING ! I want it now !
@JeremyFagis this isn't enough - is it?
We'd need to do something like
but if we added a commonjs-wrapper (https://github.com/bendc/sprint/issues/3) we'd do
var $ = require('sprint.js');
A better approach would be to use a build system like gulp, who could automize the js minification, and the browser/amd/commonjs module wrapping(via gulp-umd, for instance).
@kesla Tackled just that problem and #3 in my PR #21. CommonJS, AMD and browser globals support.
@nervo As sprint is not yet modularized and built via gulp this is unnecessary complex
@philplckthun if you prefer to wrap and minify manually each time you modify a single line of code, why not :)
@nervo Well, I was not saying that I prefer to minify manually! I said it doesn't make sense to use gulp-umd as long as gulp is not implemented at all. And that should be done with a full modularization of sprint in a seperate branch. :wink:
@philplckthun 'got it :)