
Results 16 comments of Bendang

`mask` value is a list of boolean numpy arrays, in order to convert it to an image and display you can use: ```python mask_val = result['mask'][0] mask_image = mask_val.astype(np.uint8) *...

`result` is the variable you got after processing from the forward model. ` result = [{'rois': array([[244, 287, 590, 721], [216, 737, 426, 925]], dtype=int32), 'class': array([1, 1], dtype=int32), 'scores':...

convert it to `mask_val = r[0]['mask'][0]` and see

Please check `inferencing/` on how the inferencing is done on saved_model.

Hi @ibrahimLearning How is it different from `Issues` #9? Judging from your comment on #9 you seem to have successfully able to use the frozen model.

Have not figured that part out. Would be great if someone PR this feature.