jest-cucumber copied to clipboard
Jest never stops, after tests were finished
Hi there, I have noticed that there's an issue after I run a test as simple as this:
The feature is this:
Feature: Upload file functionality
I would be able to upload a dataset file in csv format
so that it can be stored into an in-memory database
Scenario: User gets OK after file is uploaded
Given a dataset file: files/autopromo.csv
And provider name is: autopromo
And columns are: vin,uuid,make,model,year
When the file is uploaded
Then the server responds with status 200
The step definitions is this:
import { defineFeature, loadFeature } from 'jest-cucumber';
const feature = 'test/integration/features/uploadFile.feature';
const uploadFileFeature = loadFeature(feature);
defineFeature(uploadFileFeature, (test) => {
test('User gets OK after file is uploaded', ({ given, when, then, and }) => {
given(/^a dataset file: (.*)$/, (file) => {
and(/^provider name is: (.*)$/, (provider) => {
and(/^columns are: (.*)$/, (columns) => {
when('the file is uploaded', () => {
then(/^the server responds with status (.*)$/, (status) => {
Then I have a npm script that runs the tests (And never stops, I'm not using neither watch argument):
And this is the jest configuration file I'm using:
// jest.config.integration.js
module.exports = {
preset: "ts-jest",
rootDir: ".",
bail: true,
verbose: true,
collectCoverage: true,
notify: true,
expand: true,
testURL: "http://localhost:3001/",
coverageDirectory: "docs/test/coverage",
testEnvironment: "node",
setupFilesAfterEnv: [
moduleFileExtensions: [ "ts", "tsx", "js", "jsx", "json", "node" ],
watchPathIgnorePatterns: ["node_modules"],
testMatch: [
modulePaths: [
reporters: [
["./node_modules/jest-html-reporter", {
includeFailureMsg: true,
sort: "titleAsc",
dateFormat: "dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:ss",
outputPath: "docs/test/report/integration-testing.html"
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
collectCoverageFrom: [
coverageDirectory: "docs/test/coverage/integration"
Any help?