bezelhud copied to clipboard
display issues within (and after) text mode
Not sure how to describe this exactly, so here's a picture to start off with:
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This is what i'm doing to reproduce this:
- Invoke Quicksilver.
- Press . to 'flip' into text mode and then type in some arbitrary text (in the screenshot i've typed 'some sort of text').
- Press tab to 'flip' back to the normal two-or-three-pane action mode... and get what you see in the screenshot. Basically it seems BezelHUD is displaying the description and icon for what you entered in text mode over the entire contents of the window in the action mode, instead of displaying them inside the first pane like it should.
There are two ways to get rid of this display glitch:
(a) Completely restart the Quicksilver application.
(b) Use Quicksilver to perform an action on something that DOESN'T require arbitrary text.
If you just close the window and re-invoke, the bug does not go away. If you perform an action on the text you've entered, it does not go away. And if you try to perform an action on another bit of arbitrary text, it does not go away. You have to do something that Quicksilver can see in its catalogue, like launching TextEdit.
The standard Bezel plug-in does not have this problem, probably because it doesn't do that flippy thing that BezelHUD does (it keeps the text entirely within the first pane).
iMac7,1 OS X 10.6 Quicksilver ß56a7 BezelHUD 1.2a2
This one is still perplexing me. I can't seem to reproduce this myself or quite get to a possible culprit.
Does 1.2a3, by some chance, solve this for you? If not I'll keep digging into this.
Sorry for the delay.
I've just upgraded to 1.2a3 now, and i can't reproduce at the moment. Give me about a week to test and i'll let you know what happens!
Thanks. I'm hoping the act of doing nothing to fix this problem will have fixed it, but I'm not terribly hopeful.
Fingers crossed...
Well, i don't know if it's for fixed it per se, but i at least haven't been able to reproduce it since updating. I guess if you like you can close this until someone is able to reproduce again. :/
Sorry, the problem has returned.
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I've noticed another display issue as well, which may or may not be related. This happens when i do a 'three-pane' action, usually performed on files in the Finder (for example, ⌘G -> open with -> upload to photobucket):
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Notice how the third pane ('upload to photobucket' in this case) doesn't appear correctly. You can see a sliver of it where it's selected (circled in red), but the GUI doesn't widen to accommodate it.