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Add an example class from which people should start writing their API

Open omariom opened this issue 7 years ago • 4 comments

A bit controversial but..

omariom avatar Mar 22 '17 01:03 omariom

Even FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject can't create instances of NoWay type!

omariom avatar Mar 22 '17 01:03 omariom

🚯 Will not merge on my fork. Perhaps we need a better way to track rejections?

IDisposable avatar Mar 22 '17 01:03 IDisposable

Technically we can have a null reference of NoWay and pass it around.. Is it considered a sort of API?

omariom avatar Mar 22 '17 01:03 omariom

This introduces a security vulnerability, namely by having code in it.

NickCraver avatar Mar 22 '17 01:03 NickCraver