distribution-zoo copied to clipboard
To do list
- [ ] Check implementation of all means and variances by comparing outputs with their known values.
- [x] Check that slider values are sensible. For example, all sliders that can take integer values should take integer values; those that take reals should take reals (at the moment some have integer steps which could confuse people).
- [x] Add formulae for all models.
- [x] Add latex code.
- [x] Add R code.
- [x] Add Python code.
- [x] Add Matlab code.
- [x] Add Mathematica code.
- [ ] Add Julia code.
- [ ] Add C++ code.
- [ ] Add C code.
- [ ] Add Fortran code.
- [ ] Add BUGS code.
- [ ] Add JAGS code.
- [x] Add Stan code.
- [ ] Add PyMC3 code.
Checking slider values. The following have misleading sliders:
- [x] Log-normal - mean
- [x] t - mode and degrees of freedom
- [x] Cauchy - location parameter
- [x] half-Cauchy - location parameter
- [x] Logit-normal - mu parameter
- [x] Wishart - degrees of freedom
- [x] inverse-Wishart - degrees of freedom
- [x] LKJ
Outstanding formulae required:
- [x] Exponential
- [x] Gamma
- [x] Student-t
- [x] Beta
- [x] Cauchy
- [x] half-Cauchy
- [x] Inverse-gamma
- [x] Inverse-chi-squared
- [x] Logit-Normal
- [x] Bernoulli
- [x] Binomial
- [x] Poisson
- [x] Negative-Binomial
- [x] Beta-Binomial
- [x] Multivariate normal
- [x] Multivariate Student-t
- [x] Multinomial
- [x] Wishart
- [x] Inverse-Wishart
- [x] LKJ
- [x] Dirichlet