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Ironsworn and Starforged, for Foundry VTT

Ironsworn and Starforged for Foundry VTT

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This is a Foundry VTT implementation of the Ironsworn, Ironsworn: Delve, and Ironsworn: Starforged games by Shawn Tomkin.

To install it, just search for "ironsworn" in the system-installation UI, or use this URL:

For information on how to play a game, check out the wiki.

System Development

Here's what you'll need to make changes to this system:

  1. Install Foundry 9 or later, and start it up.
  2. Install the main foundry-ironsworn system, and create a world that uses it.
  3. Clone this repo somewhere you can find it, and run npm install.
  4. Run npm start from this repository.
  5. Open a browser to http://localhost:8080.

When you use that browser window, Vite will serve up freshly-built assets instead of the ones in the installed version of the system, and will do browser-window refreshes for you in many cases. Some things to remember:

  • Only the Javascript and stylesheets are served up by Vite. If you change anything else (like a .hbs file), you'll want to do something like this before reloading:
    cp -R system/* ~/Library/Application\ Support/FoundryVTT/Data/systems/foundry-ironsworn/
  • If you make a change to system.json or any of the I18n files, you'll have to return to setup, use the command above, and start the world up again.


This work is based on Ironsworn (found at, created by Shawn Tomkin, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (

Hand-drawn map scene courtesy of McSekcer.

Starforged scenes courtesy of Unsplash, and used under their license.